- rolling contact joint 滚动摩擦接合
- Rolling Contact Fatigue of Rails: What Remains to be Done? 钢轨滚动接触疲劳的进一步研究?
- These materials are suitable for fabrication of the cage of rolling contact bearings. 这些材料适宜于制造滚动轴承的保持架。
- The surface spalling and fatigue failure may occur after a long time of service, during wheel-rail rolling contact. 摘要钢轨钢的接触疲劳一直为铁路运输部门和研究机构所重视。
- But the study on the rolling contact fatigue failure mechanism of super hard material coati-ngs is in grope. 但是目前对于超硬涂层材料滚动接触疲劳失效机理的研究还处于探索之中。
- The contact geometry parameters and rigid creepages of wheelset and track in rolling contact are analyzed. 分析计算了锥型踏面轮对沿轨道滚动接触时轮轨接触几何参数和不同运动状态下的轮轨之间的刚性蠕滑率。
- Improved osculation conditions and additional profiles further optimise the rolling contact. 改进osculation条件和额外的设定档进一步优化的滚动接触。
- But some assumptions made in his theories are not always in accordance with the conditions of real W/R rolling contact. 但他的理论研究的许多前提条件与实际轮轨滚动接触问题有一定的差异。
- Braat, G. F.M.,“Theory and Experiments on Multi-Layered,Viscoelastic Cylinders in Rolling Contact”,Technische Universiteit Delft, Phd Thesis,1993. 纪伟翔,新型分纸机构设计与分析,国立清华大学动力机械工程研究所硕士论文,民89。
- Design of data measurement and control system was introduced for bearing balls rolling contact fatigue(RCF) life test rig. 介绍了疲劳试验机数据测量系统和控制系统的设计,主要阐述了数据采集方法和控制过程。
- Digital code design, no leaking: molding by numerically control, overall contact joint, enameling coating can upgrade the protection doubly to isolate outside strikes, without the leaking problem. 数码设计不渗漏:数控成型,整体对接,涂搪隔离外界侵袭,添加双倍保护,无渗漏之忧
- Surface defects in ceramic bearing balls may significantly affect ball strength and reduce rolling contact fatigue lifetime. 陶瓷轴承球的表面缺陷会严重降低球的强度和滚动接触疲劳寿命。
- In the light of such a comparison, their advantages and disadvantages in the applications of W/R rolling contact are anew evaluated. 从理论和实际应用方面重新评价了它们在轮轨力计算分析方面的优缺点。
- One of the principal advantages of antifriction (rolling contact) bearings is the almost complete elimination of friction. 减摩轴承(滚动轴承)的一个首要优势在于几乎完全排除了摩擦阻力。
- The contact geometry, creepages and friction work of wheelset/track with two type profiles in rolling contact are investigated with numerical methods. 采用数值分析方法详细分析了2种型面轮对与轨道在滚动接触过程中的接触几何、蠕滑率和摩擦功。
- The application results show that the distribution of roll contact pressure was meliorated, and the life of the backup roll was improved. 结果表明,优化后的辊型曲线改善了辊间压力的分布情况,降低了轧制末期工作辊边部对支撑辊的磨损,提高了支撑辊轧制质量。
- A rolling contact theory is a base of the study on the performances of wheel/rail (W/R), such as rolling contact fatigue, corrugation, W/R noise and derailment. 轮轨蠕滑理论的研究不仅为车辆动力学、轨道动力学的数值仿真提供了轮轨力计算模型,而且是轮轨关系研究的基础。
- This paper introduced the methods of inducing the life of the SWP320 plastic cracker mainshaft bearings and rolling contact bearing s lubrication and seal. 本文介绍了提高SWP320塑料破碎机主轴轴承寿命的措施以及相应的滚动轴承的润滑和密封。
- G.F.M. Braat , ”Theory and experiments on multi-layered, viscoelastic cylinders in rolling contact”, Phd Thesis, Technische Universiteit Delft, June,1993. 邱仕文,”以黏著迟滞摩擦理论应用有限元素法分析传真机自动资料进给机构”,硕士论文,中央大学机械系,1993。
- The dissertation applies the design method and theory of modern mechanical system to design the new rolling contact fatigue tester for superhard coated materials. 本文应用现代机械系统的设计方法和设计理念,研制了超硬涂层材料滚动接触疲劳试验装置。