- The diagnostic workup included a chest CT scan that showed a right upper lobe lung lesion consistent with bronchogenic carcinoma, a diagnosis later confirmed by lung biopsy. 诊断性检查包括胸部CT扫描,结果显示怀疑右肺叶肺癌。后来的活检证实了这一诊断。
- Herein, we report a case of pulmonary artery sarcoma with the initial presentation of hemoptysis and a mass in the right upper lobe, mimicking a lung cancer. 在此我们报告一个初期表现为咳血及右上肺叶肿块、疑似肺癌的肺动脉肉瘤病例。
- Fig 1 Chest X-ray film showed there was a mass shadow with alike density and clear border in the right upper lobe near to hilus of lung,and the right hilum pulmonisenlarged. 标题: 图1胸部X线片示右肺上叶近肺门区可见块状影,密度均匀,边界尚清,右肺门结构增大。
- Several nodular opacities are visible in the right upper lobe, with focal cavitation and several areas of "tree-in-bud. 右上肺可见数个结节状阴影,局灶性空洞,部分区域可见树芽征。
- A high resolution computed tomography of the chest showed multiple nodular infiltrations at the posterior segment of the right upper lobe with a thick-walled cavitary lesion. 肺部高分辨率计算机断层发现在右上肺叶的后肺小叶有许多节结状浸润,且有厚壁空洞状的病灶。
- Eighteen (41%) infants were noted to have postextubation atelectasis.Of these, 14 (77.8%) developed atelectsis within one day after extubation.The right upper lobe was frequently involved. 44例中,18例(41%25)产生气管内管拔管后的肺部膨胀不全,发生的时间以拔管后1天内居多,肺右上叶为最容易波及位置。
- Surgery treatment of left upper lobe lung cancer 左肺上叶癌的外科治疗
- Right upper lobe bronchial lumen 右肺上叶支气管腔
- Right upper lobe of lung 右肺上叶
- right upper lobe(lung) 右上叶(肺)
- The distribution of lung cancer than right lung left lung, lower lobe than the upper lobe. 肺癌的分布情况右肺多于左肺,下叶多于上叶。
- The distribution of lung cancer than the right lung left lung, upper lobe rather than under the leaves, from the main bronchi to the bronchioles cancer can occur. 肺癌的分布情况右肺多于左肺,上叶多于下叶,从主支气管到细支气管均可发生癌肿。
- Most of the upper lobe toward the right has a pale tan to grey appearance. 右肺上叶大部分区域呈现灰白色外观。
- Patient: The last one in my right upper jaw. 病人:右上最后一个。
- Objective This Study was designed to evaluate anterior thoracotomy for lobectomy of lung cancers in upper lobe. 目的研究前切口在上叶肺癌肺叶切除术中的临床应用。
- Herein, we report on an 82 year-old male, who had massive hemoptysis due to the rupture of a tuberculous aneurysm into the left upper lobe of the lung. 在此我们报告一82岁男性,因结核菌感染造成假性动脉瘤并且侵犯至左肺上叶,以致大量咳血送医.这位病人在接受成功的外科切除及修复手术后平安出院,经过追踪24个月后情况良好。
- A case of infantile lobar emphysema (left upper lobe) is presented. 摘要本文报告一先天性肺叶气肿(左肺上叶)之病例,并引述文献记载略加讨论。
- right upper lobe 右上叶(肺)
- right upper lobe bronchus 右上叶支气管
- Results: 8 of 15 patients were located in right hilum, 3 in left hilum, 2 in right upper lung and left upper lung respectively. 结果:15例病人中有8例位于右肺门,3例位于左肺门,右上肺和左上肺各2例。