- reviewing case files system 阅卷制度
- The crime lab is reviewing the case file now. 罪案调查科现在在重新调查这个案子
- Put these letter in the unsolved cases file. 将这些信件放入未破案件卷宗内。
- Sparse files are a feature of the NTFS file system. 稀疏文件是NTFS文件系统的一项功能。
- Export files to any directory in the file system. 将文件输出到文件系统中的任意目录中。
- Gets the content type of the file system resource. 获取文件系统资源的内容类型。
- Cannot determine file system of drive %1. 无法决定%251驱动器的文件系统。
- Failed to extend the file system for the volume. 未能扩展卷的文件系统。
- Failed to initialize file system! 初始化失败!
- Describes the File System Editor. 描述“文件系统编辑器”。
- SAM Disks and File System Fil system. 中查看各文件系统的大小等各种信息是否与要求一致。
- Domain switch accomplished via file system. 域变换通过文件系统完成。
- Check the integrity of the file system. 检查文件系统的完整性。
- Design rule for Camera File System 2. 相机文件系统设计规则2。
- Tree. Zip Example how to scan file system v. 用递归法例举系统文件的例子。
- First :I need the complete case filings in the morning. 明儿一早我就要案子所有的文件。
- The file system is incompatible with this disk. 文件系统与该磁盘不兼容。
- Consult technical manuals or EPA's clearinghouse for specific type of industry, processes, or waste, or to review case studies that have been developed. 为具体类型的工业、程序或废物请教技术上的手册或者环保署的票据交换所,或者回顾被开发了的专题研究。
- The file system on the startup partition is %1. 启动磁盘分区上的文件系统是%251。
- Hon Emily LAU raised a question on review of dual filing system. 刘慧卿议员就检讨双重存档制度提出质询。