- Restorative justice is known as a new mode of crime treatment. 摘要恢复性司法被认为是一种新型的犯罪处理模式。
- The personal-based outlook in criminal law and criminal contract and restorative justice is the basis of this system. 其理念产生和植根于其所存在社会的个人本位刑法观、刑事契约观和复合正义刑罚观。
- Victim-offender-reconciliation, a kind of system dealing with criminal disputes, is born from the theory of restorative justice in western countries. 摘要刑事和解是西方社会在恢复性司法理念下所孕育的一种刑事案件解决模式。
- Community correction and restorative justice are being practiced in the Netherlands in a variety of ways with positive results. 荷兰的社区矫正与恢复性司法实践活动,类型多样,效果显著。
- John Braithwaite &Heather Strang.Introduction: Restorative Justice and Civil Society [ M ].Cambridge University, Press 2001.14. 张庆方.;恢复性司法--一种全新的刑事法治模式[M]
- He was sentenced after a Court-ordered restorative justice meeting where members of the public expressed outrage about the tree's destruction. 根据法庭指令而组织的旨在“还诸公道”的公众集会上,社区成员对肖之行为表示愤慨。
- Restorative justice is playing a growingly important role in the practice of juvenile criminal judging system of various countries in the world. 恢复性司法在世界各国未成年人刑事审判制度的实践中也扮演着越来越重要的角色。
- Restorative Justice(RJ,abr) is an alternative dispute resolving system on the basis of the traditional criminal justice. 恢复性司法是在对传统刑事司法检讨的基础上衍生出来的一种替代性刑事案件解决机制。
- Andrew Sanders, John Braithwaite, Restorative Justice and Responsive Regulation, and, Regulation, Crime, Freedom, The Modern Law Review, Vol.66, January 2003. 德国学者曾围绕诉讼标的展开专门的讨论;]
- Compared to the retributive justice, restorative justice is a criminal treatment which achieves the restorative effect adopting the restorative procedure. 摘要与传统的报应性司法相比,恢复性司法是一种通过恢复性程序实现恢复性结果的犯罪处理方法。
- Analyzed from the hypothesis as the basis of the criminal justice or the value of the system, restorative justice has quite different concept in contrast to the traditional criminal justice system. 无论是从构成司法制度基础的假设还是从制度设计所要实现的基本价值分析,恢复性司法都具有与传统刑事司法制度完全迥异的法哲学理念。
- Value judgment is the logical point of departure in considering a series of legal issues, and it provides guidelines for the study of a lot of criminal law issues, among which restorative justice is included. 摘要价值取向是考虑一系列刑事法律基本问题的逻辑起点,对于研究包括恢复性司法在内的刑事法律的若干问题起着重要的指引作用。
- The concept of restorative Justice is helpful for the construction of harmonious society in China where exist supportive mass foundation, criminal policy, organization guarantee and practical experiences for application of restorative justice. 恢复性司法理念有利于我们的和谐社会建设,在我国适用恢复性司法存在着有利的群众基础、政策支持、组织保证和实践经验。
- On the basis of expatiating the basic concept and the issues of the restorative justice, this article puts forward initial ideas of restorative justice in criminal legislation and justice in China. 本文通过对恢复性司法的基本理念及其所面临问题的闱述,提出在中国刑事立法与刑事司法中借鉴该制度的初步构想。
- She is a marriage guidance counselor. 她是婚姻问题的顾问。
- The counselor bilked his clients out of$2 million. 那位顾问从他的顾客那里骗取了200万美元。
- The greatest prophet of the Old Testament, he sought to abolish idolatry and restore justice. 旧约全书中记载的最伟大的一位先知,他寻求废除偶像崇拜并重建公平。
- He is a wise counselor in time of need. 在困难时他是个好参谋。
- The purpose of restorative justice is to restore ravage of the victims, appellee, community, and to restore the equality and harmony of social relationship and order. 摘要恢复性司法旨在弥合因犯罪行为引起的被害人、被告人和社区创伤,恢复平等、和谐的社会关系和秩序。
- The counselor gave us some disinterested advice. 顾问给了我们一些无私的忠告。