- research in science studies 科学学研究
- Paper presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Anaheim, CA. 台北:国立台湾师范大学理学院。
- How to change tellers to tillers: Needed research in science teacher education in an era of major reform. 高一学生后设认知能力与数学解题能力关系之研究。
- JUNGWIRTH E.Alteractive Interpretations of Findings in Cognitive Preference Research in Science Education[J].Science Education,1980,64:84-94. 刘恩山;徐洪林.;运用概念图进行生物教学对学生认知方式的影响[J]
- National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, United States. (2006, 04, 3-6). 2006藻类与优养化控制研讨会论文集,台南市:国立成功大学。
- Early modern humanities publicized the subjectivism view of human nature to emphasize the humanistic concerns of Agape (loves in the heaven) and Eros (loves in the earth) in science studies. 现代人文文化通过彰显生命意志的人性观,揭示奠基于生活世界的多样的人文追求。
- Paul L.Gardener,Pinchas Tamir.Interest in Biology.Part I:A Multidimensional construct[J].Journal of Research in Science Teaching,Vo 1.26,No.5,1989,409-423. 王晓城.;利克特量表在生物学课程情感评价中的应用[J]
- Renner, J. S. (1990), Understangings and misunderstandings of eighth graders of four Physics concepts found in textbooks, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 27(1), 35-54. 黄琼瑱(1996);我国国小自然科学教科书之分析研究;屏东师院国民教育研究所论文集--1;201-228;屏东:国立屏东师范学院.
- Leslie W.Trowbridge (1973), Secondary Science Teacher Education "Where are We Going?", National Association for Research in Science Teaching , Detroit, . 陈英豪(1977);教师人格特质及教学态度对教学成绩预测效果之研究;高雄师院学报;000(005);0322-0295.
- Lawson, A.E. (1986), The acquisition of biological Knowledge during childhood : Cognitive conflict or tabular Rasa?, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 25(3), 185-199. 郭重吉(1999);概念改变的教学与研究,迷思概念整合型计画徵求计画研讨会;国科会科教处;民国88年12月4日.
- Ruiz-Primo,M.A.,& Shavlson,R.J.(1996).Problems and issues in the use of concept maps on science assessment. Journal of research in science teaching,33(6),569-600. 陈淑芬、张国恩(民86)。概念构图式学习系统。国立台湾师范大学资讯教育研究所硕士论文。台北市:国立台湾师范大学。
- Employment of empirical methods, as in science. 经验方法的运用,例如在科学中
- Cobern, W, W. (1991), World view theory and science education research.NARST Monograph, 3, Manhattan, KS: National Association for Research in Science Teaching. 潘志忠(2002);议题中心教学法对国小学生批判思考能力影响之实验研究;国立花莲师范学院国民教育研究所;硕士论文;未出版.
- BouJaoude, S.B. (1991), A study of the nature of students' understandings about the concept of burning, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 28(8), 689-704. 郑丰顺(1997);国中学生燃烧概念之诊断与探讨;国立台湾师范大学化学研究所;硕士论文;未出版.
- Berg, T., &Brouwer, W. (1991). Teacher awareness of student alternate conceptions about rotational motion and gravity. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 28, 3-18. 张维顺(2004)。数学成长团体下初任教师教学行为转变之个案研究。国立新竹师范学院数理教育研究所硕士论文,未出版,新竹。
- So not only used in science study, also in appreciation and enshrine, and got the title of "life relic "and antique in the human development history. 这些工程项目曾多次受到了党和国家领导人的赞许与好评,并获得了2004年中国产品质量中心授予的“全国产品质量、信誉、双 保障先进示范单位”。
- They have made great contribution for different subfields of science studies, which deserve the deep study and more concentration for us Chinese researchers in the field of science studies. 他们为开创或发展当代科学学主流分支学科做出了突出贡献,产生了巨大影响,值得我国科学学界密切关注。
- He had literary tastes, and was well read in science. 他喜欢文学而且他科学知识渊博。
- The significance of using corrigent compatibility is discussed by philosophy method and the base on abstract is gived in science studying arid clinical application. 本文从哲学角度论述了反佐配伍的科学性,为其科学研究与临床应用提供了理论上的依据。
- The significance of using corrigent compatibility is discussed by philosophy method and the base on abstract is gived in science studying and clinical application. 本文从哲学角度论述了反佐配伍的科学性,为其科学研究与临床应用提供了理论上的依据。