- research dynamics model 研究动力模型
- A new modulation dynamic model of LD is presented. 本文给出一个新的适于电路分析的激光二极管(LD)动态调制分析模型.
- A dynamical model for the mast mechanism is built. 建立了桅杆机构的动力学模型。
- This paper used system dynamics to found the system dynamics model of WUHU city ecosystem. 并在此基础上利用系统动力学方法,建立了芜湖市城市生态系统的动力学模型,模型分人口子系统,经济子系统,土地子系统,水子系统等四个子系统。
- A finite element dynamics model including horn diaphragm,movable amature and ring cramping. 喇叭膜片碎裂是喇叭的主要失效形式之一,也是行业内技术攻关的重要课题。
- This text designed system dynamics model of MSW based on source reduction according to theory of planned behavior. 文章根据计划行为理论,使用系统动力学的方法,设计了考虑源头减量的城市生活垃圾管理的系统动力学模型。
- A study on broad-leaved Korean pine forest dynamics modelling. 阔叶红松林动态模拟的研究。
- A method is introduced to establish the discrete dynamics model of an Aerospace satellite. 摘要采用部件振型法建立航天卫星离散动力学模型。
- Sterman, J. System Dynamics Modeling for Project Management. 2000. “专案管理的系统发展模式”2000.
- In the sight of research of fMRI dynamic model, basing on the analysis of Friston's BOLD model of dynamics, combining Agnes Aubert's coupling model of brain electrical activity and metabolism, we proposed an extended BOLD dynamic model. 在fMRI动力学模型研究方面,本文在分析Friston的BOLD动力学模型的基础上,结合Agnes Aubert所建立的电生理-代谢耦合模型,提出了一种扩展的BOLD动力学模型。
- The rod string dynamics model including the influences of rod-fluid-tubing viscous friction and rod-tubing Coulomb friction is developed. 在建立定向井有杆抽油系统的预测数学模型时 ,计入了杆液管粘性摩擦和定向井井斜造成的杆管库仑摩擦 ,同时考虑了实际泵况对系统的影响。
- The study shows: the course is controlled by diffusion, the acidolysis dynamics model is offered, it is :1- (1-Y) 1/3=kt1/5,and proved. 指出过程属于扩散控制,提出了酸解动力学模型为:1-(1-Y)1/3=kt1/5,并检验了模型的正确性。
- Accurate dynamics model of industrial robot plays a very important role in advanced trajectory tracking control applications. 摘要准确的动力学模型在先进的机器人轨迹跟踪控制中扮演了一个非常重要的角色。
- Based on the analysis and simplification of a machining system for the gear cam contour,a dynamics model is established. 以弧面分度凸轮廓形铣削加工系统的分析与简化为基础;建立了动力学模型;利用M atlab6.;0对加工系统进行了动力学仿真与分析。
- Inventory theory is studied by the system dynamics method in this paper. The system dynamics model for deterministic inventory is established. 本文尝试用系统动态学的研究方法于存贮理论,建立确定型存贮问题的系统动态优化模型,并对模型作了数学推导。
- Dynamic model for Pb isotope evolution in the continental crust of China. 中国大陆地壳铅同位素演化的动力学模型。
- A dynamics model of howitzer on launch is investigated for predicting the firing stability of vehicle mounted howitzers under different conditions. 摘要为了预测车载榴弹炮在不同条件下的射击稳定性,需要建立火炮发射时的动力学模型。
- Then the dynamic model of ultrasonic focalization decomposition is constructed. 通过研究构建了超声裂解动力学模型。
- The first,the system dynamic model,which is expressed in quaternion,is given. 首先给出了以四元数表示的系统动力学模型;
- With GPC theory, an aircraft dynamical model is studied in this thesis. 本论文主要是关于预测控制理论对于飞机运动模型的研究。