- relative voltage level 相对电压电平
- The postamplifier converts the DAC’s current-output signal to a voltage level. 后置放大器转换DAC输出的电流信号为电压值。
- When binary data alternates, there is no need to return to the previous voltage level before the next bit period. 在交替的二进位资料中,于下一个位元周期之前并不需要回到先前的电压位准。
- VOH is the absolute maximum voltage level with respect to VDD (drain-to-drain voltage) that the output can reach. VOH为相对于输出所能达到VDD的绝对电压最大值。
- Main amplifier is used for amplifying the output signal of preamplifier into digital voltage level. 主放大器把前置放大器的输出信号放大到数字逻辑电平,并且保持数字电平的恒定,以实现限幅的功能。
- When you drive the output high, VH is the maximum voltage level at the output in the dc-open-loop-gain measurement. 驱动输出为高时,VH为输出直流开环增益测量的最大电压。
- An arc due to an AC signal usually quenches itself as soon as the voltage level passes through zero. 交流(AC)信号产生的电弧通常在电压通过零点时就会自己熄灭。
- These PST's are existing in any network voltage level and may be designed for nearly every rated through power. 这些移相变压器在各种电压的电网上都有安装,。。。。
- This converter operates as a bidirectional converter and transfers energy between its two sides by charging the midpoint capacitors to a known constant DC voltage level. 多电平矩阵变换器的能量传递,是通过三相输入电压对中点电容充电到一个恒定直流电压而实现的。
- JEDEC ? The voltage level at an output terminal with input conditions applied that, according to the product specification, will establish a low level at the output. 根据产品技术规范,随加到输入端的情况,一个输出端的电平,它将(在输出端)建立一个低电平。
- Converters are devices used to convert the waveform into a succession of binary numbers, each representing the voltage level at a given instant. 转换器是一种将声音波形转换为一连串二进制数字的设备,每个数字代表特定瞬间的电压值。
- Much searching through online “cookbook” circuits turned up no means of ramping an op-amp integrator to hold at a preset constant voltage level. 通过在线常用电路的许多研究发现运放积分器保持预设持续电压是没有意义的。
- Enterprising enthusiast who wishes to experiment would do much better to modify the data bus GTL reference voltage level(s) before any others. 激进的狂热分子总是希望先修改数据总线的GTL参考电压值。
- Electromagnetic loop network means different voltage level operating lines compose loop by the connection of transformer electromagnetic loop. 电磁环网是指不同电压等级运行的线路,通过变压器电磁回路的连接而构成的环路。
- The proposed LDO structure is suitable for a power management system that required more than one supply voltage level with small area. 本架构适合单一线性稳压器可以输出两种电压,他们分别是2.;5伏特和1伏特,并且很适合应用于电源供应系统中。
- The voltage level at an output terminal with input conditions applied that, according to the product specification, will establish a high level at the output. 根据产品技术规范,随加到输入端的情况在输出端的电平,将在输出端建立一个高电平。
- The paper derives out the proper power supply voltage of city road lighting according to the illuminance and life span character at different voltage level. 摘要根据路灯在不同电压下的照度及寿命特性,推导出城市道路照明灯具的最佳供电电压。
- JEDEC ? The voltage level at an output terminal with input conditions applied that, according to the product specification, will establish a high level at the output. 根据产品技术规范,随加到输入端的情况在输出端的电平,将在输出端建立一个高电平。
- Is our relative strength growing? 我们的相对力量正在增长吗?
- The reasonable reactive power compensation of distributing net can effectively maintain the voltage level, decrease the network loss and raise the transmission capacity. 摘要配电网合理的无功补偿,能够有效地维持系统的电压水平,降低有功网损,提高网路输送容量。