- LEWIS WOLPERT's faith in the predictive power of the genome is misplaced. Lewis Wolpert竟然寄希望于基因真是异想天开。
- What I found especially interesting was the elegance and predictive power of the periodic table. 我发现特别有趣的是元素周期表的精确设计和它的预测能力。
- Really good theories have great predictive power based on a very small number of assumptions. 非常好的理论基于很少量的假设有很强的预测能力。
- Objective To investigate predictive power of de veloping MOF risk factors in trauma patients. 目的研究及预测创伤后多器官功能衰竭的危险因素,以探讨其预测模式。
- However, score for the PMSS scale did not show any predictive power with respect to mental health. 心理健康状态中,73.;8%25有情绪问题,75
- You can conclude that a simple linear model offers more predictive power than simply using the mean of the Exhaustion scores. 可以得出这样的结论:与仅仅使用消耗值的均值相比,简单线性模型的预测能力更好。
- The results suggested that changes in non-oil commodity prices had significant predictive power for headline CPI inflation, while changes in oil prices were not significant. 结果显示非石油类商品价格变动对整体消费物价通胀有显著的预示能力,而油价变动则没有。
- Kealhofer, S. and Kurbat, M.The default prediction power of the Merton approach, relative to debt ratings and accounting variables.Moody's KMV Company, January 2001. 许鸿英,以选择权模型衡量台湾上市公司信用风险之有效性,台湾大学财务金融研究所硕士论文,民93。
- The standardized regression coefficient has been a common tool for assessing the effect, predictive power or explanative power of an independent variable (IV). 摘要多元迴归里的标准化迴归系数常被用来表达一个自变项的作用、预测力或解释力。
- Meanwhile school policies, such as whether the kid was in physical education or ate school lunches, had no predictive power for whether or not a child was obese. 同时,学校政策,比如孩子是否接受体育锻炼,是否在学校吃午餐不能成为他是否会得肥胖症的预兆。
- J.Peter Ferderer,Stephen C.Vogt,Ravi Chahil,Liquidity,Uncertainty,and the Declining Predictive Power of the Paper-Bill Spread,Clark University Working Paper,No.119.1994. 商业票据可以分为金融机构发行的票据、非金融机构发行的票据以及政府公共事业部门和国际组织发行的票据;本文主要研究非金融机构发行的商业票据.
- Learning models have predictive power when applied to risk taking behavior and suggest that aspiration-level learning should get much more empirical attention. 上述模型应用于风险行为时是有一种可预见的力量的,但是这一理论也要用更多的实证来验证。
- When matter and spacetime are so protean, what do the equations of general relativity predict? 当物质与时空这麽变化多端,广义相对论的方程式能预测出什麽?
- Models incorporating time-varying covariates enhanced predictive power by reducing misclassification and incorporating day-to-day changes in extra-renal organ system failure and the provision of dialysis during the course of ARF. 通过减少错误分类,加入肾外器官衰竭逐日变化和ARF期间透析的提供,这些时间变化因素的加入增加了模型预测力。
- The chemical compositions of the coal ash were employed as inputs and the ash fusion temperature as output. The results show that the maximum and average relative predicting error are 7.4% and 0.678%,respectively. 将灰成分作为输入量;煤灰软化温度作为输出量;用试验数据对模型进行了校验;结果表明;支持向量机模型预测的最大相对误差和平均相对误差分别为7.;4%25和0
- When they got married,their friends and relatives predicted a quick failure. 他们结婚时,朋友和亲戚都预测婚姻会很快失败。
- Feared work selves and Work possible selves discrepancy are effective predictive indexes of career indecision, and FWS has larger predictive power than Work possible selves discrepancy. 职业恐惧自我和职业可能自我差异是职业决策困难的有效预测指标,其中职业恐惧自我的预测力更强。
- When they got married, their friends and relatives predicted a quick failure. 他们结婚时,朋友和亲戚都预测婚姻会很快失败。
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。
- Is our relative strength growing? 我们的相对力量正在增长吗?