- Any regulatory document certifying the legal status of the contracting parties. 签约双方法律地位的证明文件。
- Article 4 Regulatory documents include aviation procedures, advisory circulars, management documents, working manuals and information bulletins. 第四条规范性文件包括管理程序、咨询通告、管理文件、工作手册、信息通告。
- Administrative punishments set by other regulatory documents shall all become invalid starting the effective date of the Law on Administrative Punishments. 其他规范性文件设定的行政处罚,自行政处罚法施行之日起,一律无效。
- Article 8 The customs rules and other regulatory documents shall be well-structured, complete in contents, standardized in form, well-organized, precise and terse in wording. 第八条海关规章和其他规范性文件应当结构严谨、内容完备、形式规范、条理清楚、用词准确、文字简洁。
- To set up, service and manage the regulatory document database of customs operations. 负责建立和维护管理海关业务规范性文件数据库。
- Article 7 Customs regulatory documents shall be drafted in such a way that they are well-structured, complete in content, standardized in form, well-organized, precise and terse. 第七条起草海关规范性文件应当结构严谨、内容完备、形式规范、条理清楚、用词准确、文字简洁。
- Other regulatory documents formulated by the SAIC or the local administrations for industry and commerce may not conflict with the administrative rules of the SAIC. 工商总局、地方工商行政管理局制定的其他规范性文件不得与规章相抵触。
- The drafter of a regulatory document may invite the relevant experts and organizations to participate in, or entrust them with, the drafting. 起草行政规范性文件,可以邀请有关专家、组织参加,也可以委托有关专家、组织起草。
- The formulation organ shall not grant to its inferior tax organ the power to interpret the regulatory document on taxation. 制定机关不得将税收规范性文件的解释权授予下级税务机关。
- Where a relevant department puts forward major controversies concerning the contents of the draft of a regulatory document, the drafters shall make coordination over them. 规范性文件应当在制定机关指定的政府网站上公布。
- The defendant shall have the burden of proof for the specific administrative act he has undertaken and shall provide the evidence and regulatory documents in accordance with which the act has been undertaken. 被告对作出的具体行政行为负有举证责任,应当提供作出该具体行政行为的证据和所依据的规范性文件。
- The contents in regulatory documents that conflict with any law, regulation, or any rule of the CAAC shall be invalidated. 规范性文件与法律、法规和民航总局规章冲突的内容无效。
- The important regulations and regulatory documents jointly formulated by the instrumentalities of the State Council shall be subject to approval of the State Council in advance. 部门联合制定的重要规章及规范性文件发布前须经国务院批准。
- Article 6 After the drafting body formulates the draft of a regulatory document for examination, its general office shall submit it to the legal affairs organ for legality examination. 第六条起草机构在形成规范性文件送审稿后,应当由本部门的办公厅(室)提交法制工作机构进行合法性审查。
- He persuaded her to sign the document by guile. 他用欺骗手段说服她在文件上签字。
- Official Document,a type of draft party or/and government regulative document for internal use only. 党或政府部门的规范性文件俗称"红头文件"。
- As a general rule, no taxation regulatory document may repeatedly provide for any content that has been clarified by any law, regulation, rule, or regulatory document on taxation. 法律、法规、规章、上级税收规范性文件及本机关税收规范性文件已明确规定的内容,一般不作重复规定。
- administrative regulatory documents 行政规范性文件
- The machine is used to rip up the documents. 这台机器使用来搅碎旧布并为织出新布提供纤维的。
- I make a carbon copy of my documents. 我用复写纸复写文件。