- rear guard terminal 后部防护端
- The rear guard of an armed force. 后尾部队某支军事力量的后卫部队
- Cao Cao's army harried his rear guard. 袁绍退军急回,背后曹军赶来。
- A reconnaissance or patrol unit that moves ahead of an advance party or guard, or that follows a rear guard. 尖兵在一群前进的士兵或卫兵前面移动的侦察或巡逻的单位,也指尾随一支殿后的卫队
- For Jehovah will go before you, And the God of Israel will be your rear guard. 因为耶和华必在你们前头行,以色列的神必在你们后面护卫。
- The guard terminal of an SMU is usually the inside shield of the triax connector. SMU的保护端通常是三同轴连接器的内层屏蔽。
- We must dissipate their influence in relatively ineffective rear guard actions designed to prevent particular regulatory measures. 我们必须消除他们那种反对制订专门规章制度的枉费心机的守旧行为的影响。
- The guard terminal of the electrometer ammeter or picoammeter is the LO input terminal. 静电计安培计和皮安计的保护端为LO输入端。
- Your vindication shall go before you, and the glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard. 你的救援要走在你前面,上主的光荣要作你的后盾。
- Turnbull: 5.5 - exist in name only the rear guard line makes it to be insulted, certainly his display is not ideal. 特恩布尔:5.;5-形同虚设的后防线令其受辱,当然他自己的发挥也不理想。
- Preceding performance's return to warmer weather, infected Guang Yao the emaciated rear guard line. 中前场的回暖,感染了广药羸弱的后防线。
- These stubborn and skilful rear guard actions checked the impetuous German advance at all points, inflicting severe losses. 这几场打得顽强而巧妙的后卫战,在各个方面都阻止了猛扑过来的德军,使他们遭受严重的损失。
- But you will not leave in haste or go in flight; for the Lord will go before you, the God of Israel will be your rear guard. 你们出来必不至急忙,也不至奔逃。因为,耶和华必在你们前头行;以色列的上帝必作你们的后盾。
- The armed guard marched ahead of the priests who blew the trumpets, and the rear guard followed the ark. All this time the trumpets were sounding. 带兵器的走在吹角的祭司前面,后队随著约柜行。祭司一面走一面吹。
- The rear guard leaned the pole to reduce in the curve automobile body's sidelurch, guaranteed that your smooth driving could not break. 后防倾杆减轻了弯道中车身的侧倾,保证你流畅的驾驶不会被打断。
- Has a good news to Liverpool, this season Everton condition is not good, their rear guard was not steady, has thrown many balls, this was we may use. 对利物浦来说有个好消息,本赛季埃弗顿状态不佳,他们后防不稳,丢了很多球,这是我们可以利用的。
- In the guarded circuit shown in Figure 2-13b, the inside shield of the triax cable is connected to the guard terminal of the SMU. 在图2-13b所示的保护电路中,三同轴电缆的内层屏蔽连到SMU的保护端。
- So rapid fumbles lets home team fan be disappointed, but the Manchester United bad rear guard line has brought the confidence very quickly to them. 如此迅速的失球让主队球迷非常失望,不过曼联糟糕的后防线很快给他们带来了信心。
- English: When in hilly areas, you need to be cautious and alert by camping on sunnier side and have the right flank and rear guard on higher ground. 丘陵、堤防驻军,必须驻扎在向阳的一面,并且要把主要翼侧和后方依托着它。
- Base Ye Lini was already mature, lai Luo Talie already changed external appearances only, rear guard on-line has also increased Meier Berry. 基耶利尼已经成熟,莱罗塔列已经改头换面,后防线上还增添了梅尔贝里。