- rear - end collision avoidance 防追尾碰撞
- Pilot safety enhancement for on-board ground collision avoidance systems. 机载地面防撞系统提高飞行员安全性。
- Collision Avoidance Line Game - Refer to the readme. Txt file for instructions on how to play the game. 参考帮助文件可获得如何玩这个游戏的说明。
- By the use of video technology to achieve a collision avoidance warning to the bridge pier. 提出一种利用视频技术实现对桥墩防撞预警的方法。
- Control Algorithm of Active Headrest in Rear End Collision 追尾碰撞主动头枕的控制策略研究
- However, due to the inherent defects of radar, ARPA cannot provide the precise data which is necessary for automatic collision avoidance. 然而,由于雷达固有的缺陷,ARPA系统并不能提供自动避碰所需的准确信息,从而制约了自动避碰系统的实际应用。
- A perfect ITS will most likely only be a combination of IVC and RVC in order to make collision avoidance in complex scenarios. 为了保证在复杂情况下的汽车安全和效率,一个完美的智能交通系统应该是路车通信和车间通信的结合体。
- The method is used in the field of multi-ship collision avoidance decision-making,and the hiberarchy graph is established. 将此方法应用在多船避碰决策中,建立了多船避碰决策层次结构图。
- The method is used in the field of multi-ship collision avoidance decision-making, and the hiberarchy graph is established. 将此方法应用在多船避碰决策中,建立了多船避碰决策层次结构图。
- The new collision system includes a new collision avoidance system to ensure players have the intelligence of where other are on the pitch. 新的碰撞系统包括一种新的碰撞躲避系统来确保球员拥有对球场上其他球员位置的理解力。
- The fundamental access method of IEEE 802.11 is a DCF known as carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) scheme with exponential back-off. 分布协调功能(DCF);即载波监测多址接入/冲突退避机制(CSMA/CA);是IEEE802.;11 WLAN最基本的无线媒质访问方式。
- The invention of ARPA radar resulted in a fundamental change in the study of geometrical collision avoidance, which turned automatic collision avoidance into reality. ARPA雷达的出现为几何避碰的研究带来质的变化,使得实现船舶自动避碰成为可能。
- The R&D of technology of vehicle active safety, such as collision avoidance, to reduce the driver's burden or misjudgment is important to improve the traffic safety. 大力研究开发如汽车防撞等主动式汽车安全技术,减少驾驶员的负担和判断错误,对于提高交通安全将起到重要作用。
- The resources and effects of the investigations about the uncertain information and actions of collision avoidance with the navigation simulator are emphasized. 探讨在航海模拟器上从事调查和研究海上船舶避碰中不确定行动与信息的方法;
- Dcollid is a collision distance. (2) Considering own ship's relative motion to target vessels, we define DCPA and its sign, and get a set of collision avoidance curves. (幻考察本船相对于目标船的运动,定义*以‘A的大小和符号,“寸此相关联,得到一组避碰行为曲线,对于碰撞危险度达到规定阈值的船舶,给出最仟避让时机与行动大小。
- Study on Avoidance of End Collision of Motorcars Based on Sensor Techniques 适用于汽车追尾归避的传感检测技术
- In this paper, the application of shiphandling simulator in identifying the influencing factors of unsafe acts in collision avoidance of ships is introduced. 介绍了利用操船模拟器进行避碰试验进而研究人为失误与影响因素之间的关系。
- With Constellation's redevelopment complete, providing the core functions of intelligent navigation: localization, path planning and collision avoidance, followed easily. 以星座的再开发完成,提供聪明的导航的核心作用:地方化,道路计划和碰撞避免,容易地随后了而来。
- ARPA is the collision avoidance in ship navigation aids major, if used properly, no doubt the safety of navigation of the ship will play a positive role. ARPA是当今船舶导航避碰主要的辅助设备,如果使用得当,无疑对船舶航行安全将起到积极的作用。
- The accident put an untimely end to the party. 意外事故使聚会匆匆结束了。