- The two ingredience of reality and illusion like two uttermosts, they never conjoin but always intermix. 从本组作品的拍摄手法和表现形式来说都还不太成熟,但却是内心自我本真的自由宣泄。
- He initiated a special Relative Painting (blending of reality and illusion) and visional series of human body, seascape and landscape. 重要艺术贡献:宣画(中国画)定义;艺术造型六要素(薛氏六法);
- I believe that fame and celebrity, influence and power, success and failure, reality and illusion are all somehow nearly woven into a seamless fabric we laughingly call reality. 我相信声誉和赞扬、影响和权力。成功和失败、现实和幻想都好像是精密地编织在一匹光洁无缝的织品之中,即我们称之为现实的东西。
- Meanwhile,according to Borges' living environment and experience of personal growth of his life,the paper analyzes deeply why Borges confuses the reality and illusion . 同时,根据博氏生活的环境和个人成长的经历深入剖析博氏混淆现实与梦幻的深层缘由。
- I believe that fame and celebrity, influence and power, success and failure, reality and illusion are all somehow neatly woven into a seamless fabric we laughingly call reality. 我认为,声誉与赞扬、影响与权力、成功与失败、现实与幻想,都好象是精密编织在一起,构成一匹光洁无缝的布,即我们笑称现实的东西。
- However, in the absence of objective evidence, and in a life where reality and illusion intermingles, people no longer knew what to believe and what not to believe. 结果,电脑果真公开保证,只是在缺乏客观佐证、真实与虚幻交错的生活中,谁也不知道该相信什麽,不能相信什麽。
- Si Yu talks directly with her heart and emotions, breaks through the boundaries between reality and illusion and demonstrates her consideration on fantastic life, especially on women's existence predicament. 经由"梦"的通道,斯妤直接与自己的内心与情感进行着对话,突破了现实与虚幻的界限,痛快淋漓地表现出她对生存与荒诞的思虑,以及作为"第二性"的女性的存在困境。
- On the Juxtaposition of Reality and Illusion in Robert Coover's Ficion 库弗小说中现实与虚幻的并列
- This is an objective reality and a historical fact. 这是客观的存在,历史的事实。
- Face the reality and you can go beyond it. 只要面对现实,你才能超越现实。
- Study of the Reality And Realization. 依法行政的现实与实现研究;
- The play is a composite of reality and fiction. 该剧是现实与想象的合成。
- Face reality and unwilled change will happen". 而面对现实,改变就会自然而然发生。”
- She will come to reality and wating you forever ! 她将成为真实,并等待著您,一直到永远!
- Even run counter to reality and fantasy. 即使现实与幻想背道而驰。
- For it can contain nothing but sophistry and illusion. 那就将它付之一炬,因为它含有的不过是诡辩和幻想。”
- The ultimate result is distorted reality and impoverished ideas. 最终的结果是歪曲现实和思想的贫乏。
- Sometimes reality and fantasy are hard to distinguish. 有时候现实和幻想很难区分。
- There was no real barrier between reality and fantasy in his mind. 在他的头脑中,现实与幻想之间没有真正的界线。
- reality and illusion 真实与虚幻