- After the spring has been closed to its solid height, the compressive force is removed. 弹簧被压缩到接近并紧高度之后,就没有压力了。
- Surface firmness of cooked noodles refers to as the compressive force exerted on to the surface of cooked noodles. 煮熟后面条的表面硬度是指施加于熟面条表面上的压力。
- The feature of vitrinite reflectance optical fabric reflects the action of NNE SSW regional compressive force that is nearly horizontal . 煤镜质组反射率光性组构反映了区域上 NNE- SSW向近水平的挤压应力作用 ;
- A statistically significant relationship was observed between distractive force required for graft insertion and immediate graft compressive force. 在置入骨块所需的牵张力与骨块的即时压力之间关系有显著性差异。
- The shockwave sends a huge compressive force upwards, ejecting the mine casing and any soil covering the mine along with it. 冲击波发出了一个巨大的压缩力量向上,喷射的地雷外壳和任何土壤覆盖矿山连同它。
- The compressive force exerted by the rollers causes the metal to deform. The metal is thus reduced in section, increased in length and finally changed in shape. 轧辊施加的压力使金属变形。金属的截面减小,长度增加,从而改变形状。
- In this paper,the concepts which are internal pressure feasible territory and axis compressive force feasible territory are put forward for the first time. 文中首次提出了内压可行域、轴压可行域的概念,阐述了正确制定胀形加载路径应遵循的原则。
- At the same time, pulsating compressive force due to the crust movement including earthquake also made the crystallized rock ruptured and form ore control fault fracture and the host fracture. 残浆的形成与排出,控矿构造的发生、发展与控矿过程,都是在这次地壳运动过程中完成的。
- This sensor is especially suited to the measurement of static and quasi-static compressive forces. 这个型号的传感器特别适合于测量静态或准静态压缩力。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。
- That's where the real danger lies. 这正是真正的危险所在。
- Lime pile and high compress forcing pulp are used to reinforce fhe settled foundation. 某礼堂综合楼受浸水损坏,采用生石灰桩及高压水泥注浆综合法加固建筑物沉陷部分地基,获得成功。
- Probably the smaller length of sternum increases the compressive forces on the vertebral endplates anteriorly, allowing uneven growth of the vertebral bodies with wedging. 也许更短小的胸骨在前方增加了椎体终板受压的力度,这使得被楔入的椎体生长不均匀。
- That new shopping centre is a real eyesore. 那个新的购物中心真是难看极了。
- Conclusion. Significantly higher distractive and compressive forces were recorded with larger grafts. Intended corpectomy height was not an accurate predictor of graft loads. 结论:较大的植骨块有较高的牵张及压力,预期的次全切椎体高度不是植骨块精确的牵张器。
- That old block of flats is a real eyesore! 那座旧公寓真不顺眼!
- As the most rigid cytoskeletal filaments, microtubules bear compressive forces in living cells, balancing the tensile forces within the cytoskeleton to maintain the cell shape. 细胞的力学性质很大程度上由细胞骨架决定,细胞骨架是由微管、中间丝和肌动蛋白丝这三种主要的蛋白丝构成的自组织网状结构。
- It's a real hassle to get this child to eat. 使这孩子吃东西,真要费九牛二虎之力。
- Cancellous allografts can be obtained in a demineralized form that increases osteogenic potential but greatly decreases resistance to compressive forces. 同种异体松质骨进行脱钙处理后成骨性能得到加强,但压力抵抗会大大降低。
- circumferential compressive force 切向压应力