- Rate cut expectations may therefore increase. 预期减息机会亦会因而增加。
- The market interprets this as rate cut signal. 市场分析视此为降息信号。
- Financial markets expected a rate cut from the Fed. 资本市场预期到联储降息。
- Second, the interest rate cut helped invigorate the capital market. 二是活跃了资本市常
- Second,the interest rate cut helped invigorate the capital market. 二是利息率降低帮助活跃了资本市场。
- This is the third rate cut in the past three months. 这已经是在过去三个月里的第三次减息。
- Does a rate cut not lead to a cutback of the social spending? 减税会不会导致社会 福利支出的减少?
- Bernanke signaled that a rate cut would come this month. 伯南克发出了本月将会降息的信号。
- US likely finished with rate cut cycle as they refocus on inflation concern. 美国减息周期完结,再次集中于通货膨胀忧虑。
- Q2. Is China's rate cut part of another world-wide coordinated move? 问题2:中国利率下调是其他世界范围国家一致行动的一部分吗?
- The stock market celebrated a short-term rate cut, racking up big weekly gains, but in the currency markets, the dollar declined sharply. 股市庆祝了一个短期的降息,在大的每周赢利上面折磨,但是在货币市场中,美元剧烈地下跌。
- US Treasuries were weaker during May as investor expectations for an interest rate cut from the Federal Reserve waned. 由于对美联储减息的预期减弱,美国国债5月份表现疲弱。
- The price of federal-funds futures suggests little chance of a rate cut from the Federal Reserve this year. 联邦基金期货的价格则使联邦储蓄今年的利率下调变得几乎不可能。
- After the Fed goes for broke with a dramatic rate cut, what about price pressure? 在联邦准备理事会用一个戏剧性的降息去拿破产的之后,价格压力怎麽样?
- "The rate cuts will soothe a little bit of jangled nerves at this time. 这时降息可以稍稍平息人们杂乱的神经。
- Two of the nine members of the MPC had already resolved the dilemma in November by voting for a rate cut. 九位金融政策委员会成员中的两位已经在十一月投票赞成减息来摆脱目前的困境。
- Positive cash rate cut yesterday, Prev opened slightly higher after a shock fall reflexive. 昨日降息利好兑现,沪指略高开之后,就反身呈现震荡下跌。
- At this rate we won't be able to afford a holiday. 照这样下去,我们不会有时间/钱去度假的。
- For some time, China will maintain a moderately loose monetary policy, including the continuation of the rate cut. 未来一段时间,我国仍将保持适度宽松的货币政策,包括继续的降息。