- rate dependent theory 率相关理论
- Does the interest rate depend on how long you keep the certificate? 利率的高低是否取决于存款时间呢?
- Wage rates depend on levels of productivity. 工资水平取决于生产量的多寡。
- Resource dependency theory (RDT) offers this lens. 资源附庸理论(RDT)提供这个透镜。
- Varying rollover rate dependent on the applicable rate in the Interbank markets according to the period of rollover and the CMC spread that is applied at CMC's discretion. 滚动利率是跟据银行同业市场的利率因应滚动期以及CMC的价差而决定的滚动利率。
- Resource dependency theory can also help to explain interlocking directorship. 资源依靠理论还有助于解释连锁董事制的必要性。
- We give the asynchronous exponential growth of a genetics model with age dependence,where the transition rate and the fertility rate depend on the density of total genetics. 本文给出一类基因种群年龄依赖非线性模型当基因转移率和合成率均依赖基因总数时的偏指数增长性,主要工具是共轭扰动半群.
- rate dependent anterograde block 频率依赖性前向性阻滞
- rate dependent left bundle branch block 频率依赖性左束支传导阻滞
- He flip-flopped on dependency theory, a more radical version of structuralism developed by Latin American Marxists. 对于拉美马克思主义者发展出的比结构主义更加激进的依赖理论,他的态度摇摆也不定。
- At this rate we won't be able to afford a holiday. 照这样下去,我们不会有时间/钱去度假的。
- When a man called a motel and asked how much they charged for a room, the clerk told him that the rates depend on room size and the number of people. 只算现金和信用卡一个人打电话给一家汽车旅馆询问房租,旅馆的工作人员回答说房租的多少取决于房间的大小和客人的人数?
- Based on resource dependence theory, this paper analyzes the interactive mechanism on the NPO and government. 本文运用资源依赖理论的研究成果和分析框架,考察浙江政府与民间组织的互动机制。
- When a man called a motel and asked how much they charged for a room, the clerk told him that the rates depend on room size and number of people. 一男子打电话给一家汽车旅馆询问房租,旅馆的工作人员回答说房租的多少取决于房间的大小和住客的人数。
- rate dependent ventricular premature beats 频率依赖性室性过早搏动
- Fire rating depends on its external insulation layer fire rating. 其防火等级取决于外部保温层的防火等级。
- It takes place over a period of time, at a rate depending upon the nature of the material and upon the amount present. 它在一个时期内发生,其速率取决于物质的性质和它的数量。
- In Brazil, a professor, who actually used to teach the dependency theory, launched a program of economic reform that looked a lot like shock therapy. 在巴西,一位曾经教授依赖理论的教授,发起了一个看起来非常像休克疗法的经济改革项目。
- cardiac rate dependent conduction 心率依赖性传导
- Though rich in raw materials, Latin America seemed doomed to perpetual poverty. The dependency theory of economic development seemed to offer a way out. 尽管自然资源丰富,但拉丁美洲却似乎注定长期贫穷,经济发展的依赖理论似乎能够提供一条出路。