- railway service car kilometers 路用车辆公里
- Is there any railway service here on Sunday? 星期天这里有火车吗?
- The railway service to our village is no longer economic. 为我们村子提供铁路服务已无利可图。
- railway service car 铁路服务车
- The railway service to these small villages is no longer economic. 为这些小村庄提供铁路服务已无利可图。
- To improve the railway service, we are electrifying the main lines. 为了改进铁路运输,我们正在对几条干线实行电气化。
- An accident has disrupted railway service into and out of the city. 一场交通事故使进出城的铁路线中断。
- The accident disrupted railway service into and out of the city. 这场意外事故使进出城市的铁路线中断。
- An accident has disrupted railway services into and out of the city. 一次交通事故使进出这座城市的铁路交通陷于混乱。
- Limousine hire in Rome Ceremony car rentals Limousine service Car rentals for weddings, congresses,... 分类标题:旅游车租赁|配司机的汽车租赁...
- There is yet none in China that manufactures this product. It is very expensive for the common user to buy an imported service car. 目前国内还没有此种产品的生产厂家,进口养护车价位很高,用户难以承受。
- Prepare the Mass Transit Railway Services for the World Expo. 轨道交通枢纽商业要为世博会做好服务工作。
- The revival of the railway service will be immensely beneficial for the speedy movement of passengers and cargo. 铁路运输的复兴对加快客货运送大有助益。
- The leaders of the ministry of railway put forward a request again for high railway service quality. 铁道部门领导再次向全体职工提出了端正路风的要求。
- Only an exceptionally heavy snowfall might temporarily dislocate railway service. 只有罕见的暴雪才会暂时打乱铁路的运行。
- Ted knows all about servicing cars but he can't seem to get it across to others. 特德完全熟悉汽车维修业务,可是他似乎不能使别人听懂。
- The gifts to him would have filled a railway car. 送给他的礼物将会装满一节火车车皮。
- net ton kilometers per loaded car kilometers 车平均净重量
- Backup power for various communication system and signal system in telecom service, mobile field service and railway service. 电信、移动、铁道等各种通信、信号系统备用电源。
- And includes the service car little to open one day, below every week the Administrative organ work place three buildings according to the mantissa contents and so on stopped elevator. 其中包括公务车按尾数每周少开一天、行政机关办公场所三层楼以下停开电梯等内容。