- Does the assembly have legislative power? 这个会议是否有立法权?
- A national representative body having supreme legislative powers within the state. 议会,国会一种在国内具有最高立法权力的全国性的代表机构
- Taxation is no part of the governing or legislative power. 征税权不是统治权与立法权的一部分。
- The assembly had been shorn of its legislative powers. 议会被剥夺了立法权。
- The legislative power is the supreme power in every nation. 立法权是每个国家中的最高权力。
- The legislative power is the supreme power in every commonwealth. 立法权是任何一个国家的最高权利。
- Tax legislative power is the core power of tax authority. 税收立法权是税权中的核心权力。
- The author has come to a different conclusion based on historic fact that it is a quasi legislative assembly body in Russia, which builds up the framework of legislative Duma afterwards. “布里根杜马”历来被前苏联史学界定为“咨询性杜马”,本文根据史实得出不同的结论,认为它是俄国准立法机构,构筑了此后立法性杜马的框架。
- All federal legislative powers are vested in the Congress of the United States. 在美国所有联邦立法权力都授予了国会。
- The Macao Special Administrative Region shall be vested with legislative power. 第十七条澳门特别行政区享有立法权。
- The National People's Congress exercises the legislative power of the state. 全国人民代表大会行使国家立法权。
- What are the different powers of government, and what are the functions of each? Why is the legislative power supreme? 政府有哪些不同权力?这些个别权力的功能是什么?为什么立法权乃是最高的权力?
- Personal elements should have little sway in determining the limits of legislative power. 个人因素在决定立法权限时不应起支配作用。
- Lesotho is an hereditary monarchy, the King, who is the Head of State, has no executive and legislative powers. 莱索托实行君主立宪制。国王为国家元首。国王不掌管行政和立法权力。
- The legislative power, being but a delegated power from the people, cannot be transferred to any other hands. 立法权--即只是源于人民的一种委托权--不能转到任何他人之手。
- Mr Grayling accepts that some legislative powers may be necessary to counter specific threats. 格雷林承认为了对抗特定的威胁,某些立法权力可能是必要的;
- The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be vested with legislative power. 香港特别行政区享有立法权。
- Article 58. The National People's Congress and its Standing Committee exercise the legislative power of the state. 第五十八条 全国人民代表大会和全国人民代表大会常务委员会行使国家立法权。