- quadric surface model 曲面拟合
- Conic sections and quadric surfaces. 二次曲线与二次曲面。
- Extracting quadric surface from measured data is an important problem in reverse engineering of mechanical parts. 摘要在机械产品的逆向工程中,针对测量数据提取常用二次曲面是非常重要的。
- This paper proposes for the first time to use genetic algorithm based on real-number-coding to extract quadric surface. 首次提出利用基于实数编码的遗传算法针对离散数据点进行二次曲面提取。
- On the area of actual process, It is often seen that one surface of the part is quadric surface. 在实际生产中,如果某一加工表面是二次曲面,对于这类曲面轮廓的加工常采用数控加工方法。
- An algorithm of feature surface recognition based on quadric surface fitting and geometry property was presented. 摘要提出了基于二次曲面拟合误差分析和几何属性分析的特征曲面识别算法。
- The system can be easily employed in automatic remanufacturing of workpiece of quadric surface, with various state of surface damage. 系统适用于缺损表面为二次曲面的工件,对不同缺损程度的工件的再制造可以自动进行。
- To solve the problem of quadric surface reconstruction in reverse modeling for mechanical parts, a two-step fitting algorithm was presented. 摘要针对机械零件反求建模过程中常见二次曲面的表面重建问题,提出了曲面拟合分步计算法。
- The images will be zoomed in by interpolatory subdivision and no intermediate continuous surface model should be established. 该算法无须建立中间连续图像模型,能自适应地插值,而且插值系数可为任意正实数。
- Lastly, experiments were performed to evaluate the performance of this method in comparison with the methods using linear classifier and quadric surface. 最后,为了评估该方法的性能,分别使用线性分割器和二次曲面分割器的方法进行了对比实验。
- Considering the die-cavity roughing being a 2.5D cutting, a novel cutting force surface model is created based on orthogonal cutting tests. 鉴于模具型腔粗加工常采用2.;5维加工,提出一种通过正交切削试验建立切削力曲面模型用于模具型腔粗加工进给率优选的新策略。
- With the Lagrange multiplier method, the minimum distance of the center of a circle and a quadric surface was provided and the tangency condition of curve and surface was given. 利用拉格朗日乘子法求解二次曲线和二次曲面之间的最小距离,给出了曲线与曲面相切的条件。
- As a new method to map the outer cortex of the human brain, a deformable surface model is described in this paper. 探讨了大脑表面形态提取的一种新方法可变形表面模型。
- The exporting of the surface model in standard form is completed with DXF standard form. 利用DXF文件格式完成了曲面标准格式输出。
- The results show that calm sea surface model is precious enough and time saving in computation of radia... 而在模拟海面背景红外热像时,波浪的影响不可忽视,必须采用波浪海面模型模拟海面辐射亮度。
- The key to the surface height calculation of pulse GTAW welding pool based on shape from shading (SFS) is to build up a surface model of welding pool. 利用从阴影恢复形状方法计算熔池表面高度的关键是建立熔池表面反射模型。
- At last, the commonly methods and steps for represention quadric surfaces using NURBS was find. 最后总结出了二次曲面进行NURBS表示的一般方法和步骤。
- Some albedo parameterizations of SZA dependence were evaluated in a simple land surface model BATS using in situ data over Gobi and Desert. 在陆面过程模式BATS中引入考虑太阳天顶角变化的裸土反照率参数化以改善沙漠、戈壁地表的辐射和热状况模拟,并与观测资料进行了对比。
- Using local base surface parameterization, a parametric quadric surface approximation method is used to estimate the local surface curvature properties of scattered points based on propagating normal vector direction. 首先,计算各点的邻近点集,选取合适的局部基础曲面,把邻近点集投影到相应的局部基础曲面。
- The Response Surface Model of FMS is drafted combining the design of experiments, simulation experiments, and analysis of data by this method. 该方法结合实验设计、仿真实验和数据分析,拟合出系统的响应曲面模型。