- purslane speedwellHerba 仙桃草
- Purslane has anti-decrepit and life-prolonging effects. 马齿苋具有延缓衰老、延长寿命的作用。
- Theoretical basis is provided for purslane as health food. 为马齿苋成为人类的保健食品提供了理论依据。
- Eat purslane, will play a corresponding role in the brain. 多吃马齿苋,会起到相应的健脑作用。
- Ingredient: hibiscus, hip pericarp, apple, orange pericarp, spice, purslane. 成份:芙蓉(木槿)、蔷薇果皮、苹果、柑橘皮、香料、太阳花。
- Purslane: purslane 30 g dry goods, rice amount of Zhuzhou consumption. 马齿苋:马齿苋乾品30克,大米适量,共煮粥食用。
- There are a number of varieties of purslane which each express a specific amount of betacyanin and betaxanthin. 有许多不同品种的马齿苋表达出特定量的甜菜黄素和甜菜青素。
- Purslane can be got easily, therefore, it will become a new trend in health food industry. 因马齿苋相当易得,有可能成为保健品行业新的发展方向。
- Mulberry,purslane,stigma maydis in Fufang Jiangtangning granule were analysed by thin layer chromatographic(TLC). 对复方降糖宁颗粒中桑椹子、马齿苋、玉米须进行薄层层析分析。
- Growing case of purslane varied less than that of shepherdspurse when infected with the downy mildew. 马齿苋的染病植株与对照培养的健康植株生长状况差异不大,而荠菜两者的生长状况有明显差异。
- As a processing resource both of medicine and food,purslane has vast development future. 马齿苋是倍受人们青睐的野菜之一,不但营养丰富,而且具有较高的药用价值和保健功能。
- But some of his favorites, like purslane, guava and goji berries, aren’t always available at regular grocery stores. 但有些他的最爱,比如马齿苋、番石榴和枸杞并不是常常能在杂货店买到。
- Dust of can complete purify mixes the potherb scald such as purslane small bug, still can prevent allergy. 马齿苋等野菜焯一下能彻底去除尘土和小虫,还能防止过敏。
- OPC enrichment factor, allantoin, a mild skin cleansing agent LRI, purslane extract-Skinwell and other natural plant extracts. 蕴含OPC浓缩因子,尿囊素、温和皮肤清洁剂LRI、马齿苋提取物、天然植物精华等。
- The content of amino nitrogen in blanched cowpea and unblanched purslane showed a rise followed by a drop during refrigerated storage. 除杀菁瓠瓜外,低温处理使杀菁豇豆和未杀菁马齿苋中氨基酸态氮含量先升后降。
- ResultsChrysanthemum,purslane herb,quercetin,rutin showed scavenging effect on superoxide radicals.ConclusionThe method is simple and quick. 结果杭白菊、马齿苋、槲皮素、芦丁都表现出对超氧阴离子自由基的清除作用。
- The researches on squeezing method from purslane, the color protection of purslane juice and the best formula of beverage were completed. 对马齿苋-夏橙饮料的研制技术进行了初步的探讨,并对马齿苋的取汁方法、马齿苋汁的护色、产品的配方等工艺进行了研究。
- Uses the TCL method,clear and differential spots of mulberry,purslane,stigma may presented in different developing solvent. 采用薄层层析法,在分别不同的展开系统中,马齿苋、桑椹子、玉米须、均能得到清晰、特异性的斑点。
- But some of his favorites, like purslane, guava and goji berries, aren't always available at regular grocery stores.I asked Dr. 这些食品中有些是他最喜欢的,如马齿苋,番石榴、枸杞果,这些东西在一些普通的食品店不一定能买得到。
- Key words: Purslane's characteristic , medical value, are value is used for food , method is used for food , cultivation technique. 关键字:马齿苋的特征;药用价值;食用价值;食用方法;栽培技术.