- public servant law 中华人民共和国公务员法
- Scala was a meritorious public servant. 斯卡拉是一个能干的国民公仆。
- There was a man who was determined to become a public servant. 从前有个人决心当一名公务员。
- From first to last,he has been a faithful public servant. 他自始至终一直是个忠实的公务员。
- From first to last, he has been a faithful public servant. 他自始至终一直是个忠实的公务员。
- A public servant is supposed to serve people without having itchy palms. 一位公仆应该为人民服务而非贪财如命。
- If you wish to be a leader to others, you claim to be a public servant. 假如你想成为别人的领导,你就必须自称公仆。
- By "public servant" we mean a cadre who serves the people whole-heartedly. 所谓“公仆”, 是指干部要全心全意为人民服务。
- The Civil Servant Law of PRC stipulates that the civil servant who executes an obvious illegal decision or command, can't be exempted from responsibility. 摘要我国公务员法规定,公务员执行明显违法的决定或者命令的,不得免责。
- Improve the system of public servants. 健全公务员制度。
- If there is anything a public servant hates to do it is something for the public. 如果公务员有讨厌做的事,那就是有利于公众的事。
- No public servant may concurrently serve as a director, supervisor or the general manager of a company. 第五十八条:国家公务员不得兼任公司的董事、监事、经理。
- "It was his last news conference, so he let his emotions slip," said Hiroshi Fukada, 56, a public servant. 56岁的政府公务员深田浩说:“这是他最后一次发布会,所以他表露了自己的情绪。即使是我,有时也想对别人说‘我可不像你’这样的话。”
- The kindness of a people who never yet deserted a public servant honestly laboring in their cause. 人民不会抛弃一个坚守岗位、诚实尽力的公仆。
- According to the report, 640 thousand people sit for national public servant tests in 2007. 报告指出,有六十四万人参加2007年的全国公务员考试。
- A former legislator was charged with a total of five offences, including accepting an advantage as a public servant and misconduct in public office. 一名前立法会议员被落案起诉,控以共五项罪名,包括身为公职人员收受利益,及担任公职时行为不当。
- The power in our hands is given by the people. Cadres at all levels are public servants of the people and must be subjected to the supervision by the people and the law. 我们手中的权力都是人民赋予的,各级干部都是人民的公仆,必须受到人民和法律的监督。
- Officials in Truman's hometown of Independence pick someone each year they believe best exemplifies what it means to be a public servant. “杜鲁门公共服务奖”每年颁发一次,由杜鲁门家乡的官员评选他们所认为的公共服务的典范。
- Unemployment rate may reach 4.5% by 2008 YE, a record high since 1999; graduates rushing into Public Servant Test amid a sluggish job market. 2008年底失业率可能达到4.;5%25,为1999年来的最高值。就业市场不景气,大批毕业生涌向公务员考试。
- Evaluation of public servants shall be objective and fair. 对公务员的考核,应当坚持客观公正的原则。