- Changing public perception may take some time. 改变公众的看法需要一些时间。
- Public perception plays a significant role in trademark law. 公众的认知在商标法中扮演着一个重要的角色。
- In Fraser's telling, it is the public perception that changes. 按照弗雷泽的说法,是公众的感受在变化。
- Public perception can also create a legal right for an attribute of a product. 公众的认知也能为产品的某个属性创造法律权利。
- There is a general public perception that standards in schools are falling. 公众普遍认为,学校的水平都在下降。
- Contrary to public perception we were under no pressure with respect to it. 同大家的看法相反,我们在这方面并没有受到压力。
- Despite the grey area, public perception of the two problems often diverges. 除开灰色区域不谈,人们对于这二者的认识也多不一致。
- Thus public perception seems to be much more important than scientific reality in determining the regulatory course. 因此,公众的态度看起来比科学本身在决定它的应用过程中更重要。
- Public sector organizations, for example, may need to include public service and public perception. 公共部门组织,例如,可能需要包括公共服务和公众的看法。
- It is a matter of public perception that the recent UiTM protests was instigated by quarters within Umno. 不久前的玛拉工艺大学学额开放抗议事件,一般的看法认为这是由一些巫统党员教唆发动。
- He cited the "embarrassing situation and public perception of differences between my views and administration policy" as the reason for retiring. 引用他的话:令人为难的局势和公众对战争的看法态度跟我的观点,管理政策的不同是我退休的原因。
- Just like in the game,a change in the rules causes acceptance,morality can be viewed not as an evil by the public perception but as a decision backed by common morals. 正如在游戏中规则的改变获得承认,在公众意识中道德并不是邪恶,而是符合普通道德规范的决定。
- Two high-profile criminal trials beginning today in Manhattan may go a long way towards determining the public perception of the administration's success. 两起备受瞩目的刑事案件昨天在曼哈顿开庭审理。审判可能非常有助于公众评判政府这一行动的成效。
- Neville dismisses the public perception that Group B, which also contains Sweden, Paraguay and Trinidad &Tobago, amounts to a bye into the second round for England. 内维尔不认为公众应该轻视包括巴拉圭、特立尼达和多巴哥以及瑞典的B组,任何大衣都可能使英格兰队翻船。
- Explain whether scandals, such as those involving Lai Changxing, Jiang Yanping, Bofors, Recruit, and Suharto, have had any impact on the public perception of corruption in China. 赖昌星、蒋艳萍、博福斯、利库路特和苏哈托等的丑闻对增强中国公众反腐败的意识是否有作用?
- FUD is generally a strategic attempt to influence public perception by disseminating negative information designed to undermine the credibility of their beliefs. FUD通常在暗地里制造各种负面信息,来影响某一事物在公众心中的诚信度,进而影响到公众的感受与决策。
- Balog hopes the ambitious effort, which will produce more than 300,000 images over the course of two years, "radically alters public perception of the global warming issue. 巴洛格希望雄心勃勃的努力,这将产生超过30万幅图像经过两年的过程中,“根本上改变公众对全球变暖的感知”。
- The Commission was created as a result of the Secretary's concern about "the widespread public perception that something is seriously remiss in our educational system. 委员会之所以成立是因为部长发现“社会上越来越多的人感觉到教育系统中出现了严重的玩忽职守的问题。”
- Public perception is that the purchase is part of the NF's overall strategy for the next general election due in 2004. The aim is to shape and influence opinions in the Chinese community via the Chinese press. 人们普遍上相信,马华的收购行动是国阵为备战2004年全国大选的布局之一,以期通过控制华文媒体,影响民意与舆论。
- Two outstanding successes of this government are in changing the public perception of the uniformed and teaching professions through imaginative and well-publicised schemes and by enlarging their roles. 通过有效的制度和广泛的宣传,以及赋予武装部队人员和教师更大的角色,政府成功的改变了人们对这两个行业的看法。