- One that demonstrates, such as a participant in a public display of opinion. 示威者示威的人,例如一个表达意愿的公开集会的参加者
- Commit a public display of affenction. 当众示爱。
- To put something on public display. 公开展览某物
- P.D.A. = Public display of affection. 不管外界眼光; 双方真情流露.
- The gorilla is back in its enclosure on public display. 这个大猩猩现在已经回到了它的笼子里,供游客参观。
- The painting will be put on public display next week. 这幅画将于下周公开展出。
- Someone who participates in a public display of group feeling. 团体参加公共示威的人。
- Being depressed is unattractive and thus not suitable for public display. 忧郁是没有吸引力的,不适合在公共场合表露。
- Perhaps his deep-seated mistrust of people (his doubt as to their right to decide his destiny and to judge him) had played its part in his choice of profession, a profession that excluded him from public display. 也许,这种根深蒂固的对人的不信任感(他怀疑那些人有权决定他的命运和对他给予评判),在他选择职业时起了作用。眼下的职业使他可以回避公开露面。
- One that demonstrates, such as a participantin a public display of opinion. 示威者示威的人,例如一个表达意愿的公开集会的参加者。
- Control, select or clear the Display right to left check box in the General Options group on the Behavior tab. 控件,请选中或清除“特性”选项卡上“常规选项”组中的“从右到左显示”复选框。
- A spectacular public display. 炫耀在公众前炫耀
- If a form does take a long time to load, you can force it to display right away so it doesn't seem to take as long to the user. 如果窗体进行加载时所花的时间过长,您可以强制它立即显示,以便让用户感觉时间没那么长。
- Two previously unseen paintings by Leonardo da Vinci have gone on public display for the first time in Italy. 绘画大师莱昂纳多·达芬奇的两幅未曾露面的作品近日在意大利首次公开展出。
- When newlywed friends make a public display of their affection, Debra wonders why reticent Raymond has trouble saying those three little words. 当看到别的新婚的朋友当众表露爱情时,D不知道为什么沉默寡言的R就说不出那三个字。
- Poster A single sheet in a large size printed on one side only for public display. 只印单面,并在公众地方张贴的大尺寸印张。
- The painting, which is on public display in the Louvre in Paris, was painted between 1503-1506. 这幅画创作于1503年至1506年间,现在在巴黎的卢浮宫内展出。
- The case will be flooded with inert argon gas to prevent deterioration when it goes on public display December 13. 展箱中将充进惰性的氩气以防止地图在12月13日开始展出时变质。
- The skeleton of a whale which died after becoming stranded swimming up the River Thames is going on public display. 这具鲸鱼骨架是一条在英国泰晤士河中因搁浅致死的鲸鱼的骨架,目前它被公开展出。
- Two perviorsly unseen paintings by Leonardo da Vinci have gone on public display for the first time in ltaly . 绘画大师来昂纳多达芬奇两副未曾露面的作品近日在意大利首次公开展出。