- Part two : The Defects and Perfects of matrimonial property regime. 第二部分是对我国现行夫妻财产制的评价。
- The intellectual property regime in the HKSAR is in full compliance with international standards and norms. 香港特区的知识产权制度,完全符合国际沿用的标准和准则。
- India therefore also recognizes the need for a robust intellectual property regime. 因此印度认识到对知识产权制度的迫切需要。
- The third part of the property through the husband and wife to understand a variety of matrimonial property regime. 第三部分是通过各国夫妻财产制来了解各种不同的夫妻财产制度。
- As for the common property regime, it will be more efficient to these rivalries but nonexclusive goods. 共有产权体制对具有竞争性而又非排他性的环境物品具有较高的环境保护效率。
- Part three: This part is the most important in this article.The Matrimonial Property Regime of our country is conceived. 第三部分是本文的重点部分,是对完善我国夫妻财产制提出的新的立法构想。
- In order to evolve an equitable international intellectual property regime, the special needs of developing and least developed countries required to be addressed in a focused manner. 为了完善一个平等的知识产权制度,必须重点处理发展中和最不发达国家的特别需要。
- The practice of copying patented drugs has made medicines affordable for patients around the world. The parliament's move was to fulfill India's commitment to the WTO's intellectual property regime. 抄袭受专利保护的药品的做法为全世界的病人提供了买得起的药物。国会的这一举措是为了实现印度向WTO知识产权管理制度做出的承诺。
- Community of property regime during marriage; 婚姻期间夫妻共有财产制度;
- I apportioned half the property to each of them. 我把财产的一半分配给他们各人。
- The couple s property form regulated by the present Matrimonial Property Regimes is mostly about the corporeal property,while the intangible property is neglected. 现行夫妻财产制所规定的夫妻财产形式以现实的有形财产为主,无形财产被忽略。
- On the Matrimonial Property Regime in Our Country's Marriage Law 浅析我国婚姻法中的夫妻财产制
- The courts ordered the seizure of all her property. 法院下令查封她所有的财产。
- Legislative Model and Type of Statutory Conjugal Property Regime 法定夫妻财产制立法模式与类型选择
- She has a right to the property. 他享有这比财产权所有权。
- The property revert to its original owner in1998. 财产于1998年将归还原所有人。
- The Representative said that weak intellectual property regimes, lack of enforcement or the weakening of regimes themselves, would not promote technology transfer or provide opportunities for further development. 该代表指出,软弱的知识产权制度、缺少支持或者自我削弱的制度,都不会促进技术转让或不会为其进一步发展提供机会。
- The stolen property must be restored to its owner. 赃物必须物归原主。
- He gave full particulars of the stolen property. 他详细列出全部被盗的财物。