- Principle of Parsimony: Write large components only when it is clear by demonstration that nothing else will do. 吝啬原则:除非能够明确证明别无它法,否则不要编写大的组件。
- An accompanying editorial suggested that this finding may be related to the application of Occam's principle of parsimony by the health care providers. 一篇同时发表的述评指出,这种情况可能与医务人员应用奥卡姆简约性原则相关。
- We uphold the principle of racial equality. 我们坚持种族平等的原则。
- The firm will apply the principle of last in, first out'. 公司将实行`後来者先走'的原则。
- It is, in essence, the principle of realism. 这实质上也就是现实主义的原则。
- The death penalty for murder works on the principle of an eye for an eye. 犯谋杀罪处以死刑,其原则是一命抵一命。
- principle of parsimony 节俭原则
- We follow the principle of peaceful coexistence. 我们遵循和平共处的原则。
- Darwin called this the principle of divergence. 达尔文把这个称为性状趋异原理。
- They infringe the principle of non-discrimination. 他们违犯了非歧视原则。
- The basic assumptions or principles of a subject. 基本原则,基本假设某一学科的基本假设或基本原理
- The principle of radar is quite simple. 雷达的原理相当简单。
- Third, the principle of a truce. 第三是休战原则。
- The principle of foreign aid is not in dispute. 外援的原则是无可非议的。
- We should follow the principle of seeking truth. 我们要遵循实事求是的原则。
- To master the principle of osmosis. 识记渗透作用的原理。
- It's a principle of mine not to eat between meals. 两餐之间不吃零食是我的一个准则。
- The principle of Gabor filter is expounded. 阐述了Gabor滤波器原理。
- They seem to be actuated by the principles of equity and justice. 看来他们受公平合理的原则所驱使。
- We owe to Newton the principle of graviation. 我们全靠牛顿才知道引力的原理。