- Primary education comes under the umbrella of local government. 小学教育受地方政府的保护。
- He only accepted the primary education off and on in his childhood. 他小时候只断断续续地接受过初等教育。
- primary education teachers 初等教育教师
- Juvenile culture, arts body type primary education. 少年文化,艺体类初等教育。
- First of all we should make primary education universal. 首先我们应普及初等教育。
- However, the education reformation in teachers' colleges hasn't compatible with primary education new curricular reforming commendably. 然而,我国近年来的高师教育改革对基础教育课程改革关注不够,两者缺少对话。
- Non-academic secondary, primary education English training. 非学历中等、初等教育英语培训。
- Implementation of primary education, promote basic education. 实施小学教育,促进基础教育发展。
- Primary education receives the lion's share of Third World expenditures. 初等教育占据了第三世界教育费用的最大部分。
- Begin primary education through evening school of sparetime school, culture. 通过业余学校、文化夜校开展初等教育。
- Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted on 69 health education teachers in Jiangxi. 方法对江西省69名中学健康教育教师进行问卷调查。
- Special education teachers and sign language translation, to enjoy the special education allowance. 特殊教育教师和手语翻译,享受特殊教育津贴。
- A physical education teacher assumes his new post at Fushimi first industrial high school in1974 Kyoto. 故事是发生在一群无可救要的坏学生与一个充满热情的体育老师之间,这位老师曾经是日本国家橄榄球队的队员。
- We should improve the training of school health education teachers to ensure that students get the knowledge and skills for HIV/AIDS prevention. 应重视学校教师预防艾滋病教育的培训,确保学生从学校获得预防艾滋病所需要的知识和技能。
- Have educated teachers hand them the info they need, and drill them in skills. 让受过训练的老师给他们需要的信息,然后练习技能。
- She was entitled "Youthful Teaching Master-hand", "Excellent Class Teacher" and "Excellent Moral Education Teacher". 事迹两次在《常德日报》头版位置登载。
- A large proportion of Singapore workers are low skilled,having only primary education. 新加坡的劳工队伍内,属于低技能而只有小学程度的,还是占着很高的比例。
- University of age, education teachers have been asking us to this rostrum as long as you, you should not put your life bring emotions. 大学时代,教育学老师一直要求我们,只要你走上这个讲台,你就不应把你的生活情绪带进来。
- A large proportion of Singapore workers are low-skilled,having only primary education. 我们的劳工队伍内,属于低技能而只有小学程度的,还是占着很高的比例。
- In 2005 UNESCO established in China, "Higher engineering education teacher co-operation with industry" in our school. 2005年联合国科教文组织在中国设立的“高等工科教育与产业合作教席”设在我校。