- She dropped into a chair, utterly worn out. 她一下子坐到椅子里,筋疲力尽了。
- He spoke his lines utterly dead pan. 他毫无表情地背台词。
- We utterly failed to convince them. 我们根本说服不了他们。
- I need a funnel to pour petrol into the tank. 我需要一个漏斗把汽油灌进油箱。
- I am utterly convinced of your loyalty. 我完全相信你的忠诚。
- Your proposal is utterly fantastic. 你的建议一点也不现实。
- The old man was utterly absorbed in the book. 老人全神贯注地读这本书。
- Can I pour you another cup of tea? 再给你倒杯茶好吗?
- He was utterly ruthless in his determination to succeed. 他下定决心争取成功。
- Pour it on, boys, and we'll soon have the job done. 加油干啊,哥们,我们就快要于完了。
- Pour out the water left in the bucket. 把桶里的剩水倒出来。
- Pour some water on his face he'll soon come round. 往他脸上泼些水--他很快就能醒过来。
- You do the honors and pour out the tea. 你尽一下主人之谊,给客人倒茶。
- The spout is chipped so it doesn't pour very well. 这壶嘴儿有个豁口,倒起来不方便。
- Mr. Chairman, on a point of information I utterly reject that view. 主席先生,关于信息的问题,我绝对不接受那种观点。
- He was utterly unscrupulous in his competition with rival firms. 他与对立公司竞争完全不讲道德。
- Who's going to pour the tea shall I do the honours? 谁管斟茶--我来斟好吗?
- It was utterly indifferent to her who he was. 封她来说,他是谁,根本是无关紧要的事。
- She pour out her trouble to me over a cup of coffee. 她边喝咖啡边向我倾诉她的苦恼。
- She was good, but was it any good to pour it on like that? 她固然很好,但有必要那样大肆吹捧吗?