- The present condition iron ore resources,expanding of production capacity and prediction of potential resources are comprehensively introduced. 文章对我国铁矿资源现状、生产能力增长、潜在资源预测等作了全面介绍。
- T cells in HUCB is a potential resource of adoptive immunotherapy. 脐血淋巴细胞经适当刺激可以活化 ,有望用于过继性免疫治疗
- Gas hydrate is an important potential resource in the 21st century. 摘要天然气水合物甲烷资源量的估算是天然气水合物研究中的热点问题。
- It also presents 6 favorable prospecting areas according to geological condition of mineralizalion,reconnaissance extent and potential resources of Manganese. 并依据成矿地质条件、勘查工作程度、锰资源潜力等因素优选划分了6个找矿远景区。
- In addition, Ningbo, Suzhou, Hangzhou, such as subway construction also increased, these potential resources will give the company after the World Expo to create opportunities. 此外宁波、苏州、杭州等也在加大地铁建设力度,这些潜在资源都将在世博会后给公司创造机遇。
- Cinnamomum tenuipilum Kosterm. (farnesol-type), flowers of Magnolia liliflora Desr. , leaves of Eriobotrya japonica, etc. are important potential resources of farnesol for industrial utilization. 金合欢醇型细毛樟、辛夷花、枇杷叶等是具有较好开发利用前景的重要资源。
- Waste also presents an opportunity in a grander sense: as a potential resource. 从更大的一层意义来说,垃圾还代表另一种机遇:潜在的资源。
- The estuarine and coastal tidal flat, as a typical transitional zone between land and ocean, is a multifunctional and complex ecosystem with special ecological values and potential resources. 河口滨岸潮滩是一个典型的海陆交互作用地带,是一个多功能的复杂生态系统,具有独特的生态价值和资源潜力。
- First,the thesis systematically analyzes the present situation of AnQing agricultural potential resource. 首先,对安庆市农业后备资源现状进行了系统分析。
- The heavy fraction of pyrolysis gasoline is potential resource for BTX aromatics for the rich aromatics contents. 裂解汽油重质馏分由于含有丰富的芳香基团,可以作为增产BTX芳烃的潜在资源。
- Rustic Songs: Potential Resources of New Poems 歌谣:新诗的潜在资源
- Northeast Sichuan Basin is a Mesozoic-Cenozoic basin with complex tectonics, Triassic formation based on marine deposits was an important potential resource and reservoir. 川东北地区是一个具有复杂构造的中新生代盆地,以海相沉积为主的三叠系是重要的储层。
- Guangdong Post will improve it’s competitiveness with recombining it’s operation and developing it’s logistics business which Guangdong Post has potential resource advantage. 广东邮政通过业务重组,利用自身资源的优势定会在物流市场中占据一定的市场份额。
- The country possesses rich mineral resources. 这个国家有丰富的矿产资源。
- Our motherland flows with natural resources. 我们祖国蕴藏着丰富的天然资源。
- Paying all the bills is a strain on my resources. 支付所有这些费用是我经济上的一大负担。
- Education develops potential abilities. 教育能开发人的潜能。
- He has no inner resources and hates being alone. 他没有内在的精神寄托,因而害怕孤独。
- The need to economize scarce energy resources. 节约使用稀有能源的必要性
- Abstract1 Northeast Sichuan Basin is a Mesozoic-Cenozoic basin with complex tectonics, Triassic formation based on marine deposits was an important potential resource and reservoir. 摘要川东北地区是一个具有复杂构造的中新生代盆地,以海相沉积为主的三叠系是重要的储层。