- In order to explore the effects of drinking alcohol during pregnancy on embryonic development and its mechanism, a post implantation whole embryo culture(WEC) technique was used. 为探讨孕期饮酒对胚胎生长发育的影响,应用植入后全胚胎培养(w hole em bryo culture, WEC)进行研究。
- Effects of water temperature on embryonic development of Onchidium sp. 水温对石磺胚胎发育的影响。
- Influence of water salinity on embryonic development of sea-slug Onchidium sp. 盐度对石磺胚胎发育的影响。
- They show a (deuterostome) protostome pattern of embryonic development. 它们在胚胎发育过程中,显示为(后口)原口动物类型。
- Title: Effects of water temperature on embryonic development of Onchidium sp. 关键词:石磺;水温;胚胎发育;孵化出膜;停止发育
- Animal cells lose their totipotency at an early stage in embryonic development. 动物细胞在胚胎发育的较早阶段便失去了其全能性。
- To sit on(eggs) to provide heat, so as to promote embryonic development and the hatching of young; brood. 孵化坐在(蛋)上以提供热量,促进胚胎的生长和孵化出小生命;孵卵
- The repetition by a single organism of various stages in the evolution of its species during embryonic development. 重演(性)发生;重演(性)变态单个的有机体在物种的发展过程中在胚胎发展中所经历的不同阶段的重复演变
- To sit on(eggs) to provide heat,so as to promote embryonic development and the hatching of young; brood. 孵化坐在(蛋)上以提供热量,促进胚胎的生长和孵化出小生命;孵卵
- Any of the cells resulting from the cleavage of a fertilized ovum during early embryonic development. 分裂球在早期胚胎发育时受精卵分裂产生的任何细胞
- Mammalian primordial germ cells form and migrate to the gonad during embryonic development. 在胚胎发育时期,原始生殖细胞形成并迁移至生殖腺,形成种系囊。
- Embryonic development of P. bini can be ceased by transient treatment with high-concentration salt solution. 高盐溶液短暂处理能终止虫卵的发育。
- VEGF is essential for embryonic development, endochondral bone formation, female reproductive functions. VEGF也是胚胎发育、软骨内骨形成、女性生殖系统、以及肿瘤和眼球内血管新生所必需的。
- Colugos resemble marsupials in that their young are born early in embryonic development. 像有袋动物一样,猫猴的宝宝在胚胎发育早期就出生。
- The research greatly expanded knowlege about embryonic development as weel as aging and disease. 这些研究极大的扩展了关于胚胎形成的知识,以及关于衰老和疾病的认识。
- Homeobox gene is a sort of regulatory gene which controls embryonic development and cellular differentiation. 摘要同源框基因是一类控制胚胎发育和细胞分化的调节基因。
- To sit on (eggs) to provide heat, so as to promote embryonic development and the hatching of young; brood. 孵化:坐在(蛋)上以提供热量,促进胚胎的生长和孵化出小生命;孵卵
- The embryonic development of rice grasshopper Oxya chinensis (Thunberg) was observed under binocular microscope. 根据形态特征,中华稻蝗胚胎发育过程分为10个阶段,本文对各阶段做了描述,绘制了形态图。
- The effects of genomic imprinting recombinant on the embryonic development of animals were introduced. 摘要介绍了基因组印记重组对动物胚胎发育的影响。
- The results not only provide evidences for the study of early embryonic development mechanism in silkworm, but also give clues for the study of insects diversity. 这一结果不但可以为家蚕胚胎发育调控机制的分子水平研究提供重要参考,也可为昆虫分化多样性的分了机制研究提供线索。