- The center provides a convenient point on the political spectrum. 中间派在政治图谱上提供一个方便的点。
- We shall hear views from across the political spectrum. 我们要听取各个政治派别的看法。
- The SPD and FDP stand almost at opposite poles of Germany's political spectrum. 社会民主党和自由民主党在德国政坛的立场几乎是对立的。
- Always the iconoclast, Ibsen was as willing to tear down the ideologies of any part of the political spectrum, including his own. 易卜生是一个反对偶像崇拜的人,就算对他自己的政治立场的人的思想观念他也毫不留情。
- Now she aspires to govern with the FDP, whose pro-business policies are at the opposite end of Germany ’s political spectrum from those of the SPD. 现在,她渴望与自由民主党共同治理,自民党的亲商政策与德国社会民主党截然相反。
- "The approach that is emerging includes the best ideas from Republicans and Democrats, and people across the political spectrum. 方法就是来自共和党人和民主党人的最好的建议,人们也越过政治光谱。
- But many at both ends of the political spectrum lament the fragility of American families and would change, at least, the way the tax code penalises many couples who marry. 但是左右两翼的政治力量都批评美国家庭的脆弱,希望至少改变对结婚夫妇不利的税收法。
- Conservatives populate the Republican Party and are considered to be on the right (as in direction, not necessarily correctness) side of the political spectrum. 共和党内大有人在,被认为是政治派别上的右翼,当然只是说方向,不一定是说正确。
- Mr Greenspan’s comments capped a frenetic day in which policymakers across the political spectrum appeared to be moving towards accepting some form of bank nationalisation. 格林斯潘先生的评论使这个狂乱的一天到达了顶峰,这一天,政治界的政策制订者们似乎都在为接受某种形式的银行国有化而蠢蠢欲动。
- In the past two years the NLRB has issued over 500 decisions: no mean feat, as it requires two members from opposite sides of the political spectrum to agree. 国家劳工委员会在过去的两年里签发了500多份决定,这实属不易,因为每个决定都需要两名来自互为反对党的委员同意。
- In the island political spectrum deep green was still had certain influence, Democratic Progressive Party now was evasive uncertain gang on Bian to be busy. 岛内的政治光谱中深绿是仍有一定的势力,民进党现在是躲躲闪闪不一定帮的上阿扁忙了。
- In becoming an icon, King's legacy has been used by people all over the political spectrum, said Glenn McNair, associate professor of history at Kenyon College. 肯扬学院史学副教授格伦-麦克奈尔说,在变成一位标示性人物过程中,金的传奇事迹已经被整个政界的所有人士所利用。
- Across the Scottish political spectrum, there is common recognition of an ingrained left of centre political culture, comprising egalitarianism, social justice and collectivism. 在苏格兰的政治体系中,有一种根深蒂固的、以左派为政治中心的共识,这包括了平等主义、社会公正和集体主义。
- Parliamentarians across Israel's political spectrum are demanding that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert resign, after an official inquiry reportedly describes his handling of the Lebanon War as a failure. 在一份以色列官方调查报告称以总理在处理黎巴嫩战争问题上是失败的,之后以色列朝野上下都要求总理。
- But Auntie -- as the BBC is referred to for its prudish(规矩的) image -- has gone to great lengths in recent years to stress its independence from both ends of the political spectrum. 讽刺的是,在保守党执政时代,极力确保BBC经费和独立性的工党,现在也想找BBC开刀了。
- The political ideology of people who live in a world filled with sunshine, lollypops, and rainbows.Liberals populate the Democratic Party and are on the left side of the political spectrum. 有这种意识形态的人的世界充满了阳光,糖果,彩虹,他们都跑到民主党那里去了,在政治派别上算左翼。
- Experts across the policy and political spectrum say that repealing or limiting the tax exclusion for employer-provided health insurance is a good way to bend the health cost curve down. 11、政策和政治方面的专家说,废除或限制从雇主提供给员工健康保险中索取税收是一个很好的途径,它可以使健康方面的花费呈曲线下降。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。
- The riot can be considered a symptom of political instability. 这次暴动可看作是政治上不稳定的征兆。
- His political ideas are rather extreme. 他的政治思想相当极端。