- plant vegetation organ 植物营养瀑
- This place has been used to plant vegetables. 这个地方已经用于种蔬菜了。
- Structure feature of vegetative organ of Lythrum salicaria L. 千屈菜营养器官的结构特点.
- Anatomical observations of vegetative organ of Alisma orientale. Xie kaibin(解凯彬).;Shi guoxin(施国新);etc
- We all know how to plant vegetables for my father was once a vegetable grower. 我们都知道怎么种菜,因为爸爸曾经是菜农。
- We planted vegetables according to our plan. 我们按计划种植了蔬菜。
- On the early days of planting vegetation,we advise that the sanitary landfills introduce green bristlegrass,fat hen and cockspur grass at the same time of sodding. 建议在卫生填埋场植被建设初期,在种植人工草皮的同时,适当地引入狗尾草、稗草、灰菜等野生优势种,使野生草本群落逐渐替代人工草坪;
- Abstract: Planting vegetation on slope of expressway may not only meliorate the scenic view of expressway, but also be good for environment protection. 摘 要: 在公路边坡上种植植物,不仅能改善公路的景观,利于环境保护,而且植物的根系还具有固坡的效果。
- I'd like to plant vegetables in this half of the garden,and flowers in the rest. 我想在花园的这半边种蔬菜,那半边种花。
- Viviparous propagation of plants is divided into seed viviparity and vegetative organ viviparity. 植物胎生繁殖的方式有种子胎生和营养体胎生2种类型。
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。
- Anatomical Structure on Vegetative Organs of Nyssa sinensis Oliv. 蓝果树苗期营养器官解剖构造。
- He planted vegetables in his garden and sold them to buy chemicals. 他在园子里种菜,卖掉菜再买化学药品。
- After they planted vegetables, they went on to grow rice. 他们种完蔬菜后,接着就种稻子。
- Many researches in culture of vegetative organ have reported in the paper, but a few researches have reported in the other culture of explant. 营养器官培养报道的最多,其他外植体的培养相对较少,研究尚处于起步阶段。
- Morphological and anatomical structure of vegetative organ of Aconitum flavum Hand.-Mazz. in Liupanshan area were studied. 对六盘山区伏毛铁棒锤营养器官的形态、解制结构进行了观察和分析。
- Bring nature to enter room, want to a balcony goes only, can cultivate the helianthus that summer blooms, also can plant vegetable. 引自然入室,只要有一个阳台就行,可以种植夏日盛开的向日葵了,也可以种蔬菜。
- Functions of planting vegetation on the banks of a river, such as absorbing waves, reducing bank erosion, and developing and protecting banks, as well as experimental studies of wave absorption by vegetation are briefly introduced. 简要介绍了种植植物消波消浪,保护土壤,避免水土流失,固滩固岸,防浪护堤的作用,以及植物消浪的实验研究。
- The results indicated that dry matter accumulation in vegetative organs of plant started to increase from anthesis then came down when reaching the peak gradually till mature. 结果表明,植株营养体各器官干物质总的积累趋势为开花期开始增加,达高峰后逐渐下降至成熟;