- physical topology probe 物理拓扑探测
- These subnets may or may not correspond to the physical topology. 这些子网可能与物理拓扑相对应,也可能不与其相对应。
- Subnet physical topology discovery has important application value for modern network administration. 摘要子网物理拓扑发现对现代网络管理具有实际应用价值。
- In this paper,a P2P network model CSL(center-super-leaf) based on physical topology is presented. 提出一种基于物理拓扑信息的P2P网络模型CSL。
- In this paper,we present HLC topology model,which embodies the character of physical topology and collective communication. 在分析两层结构及简单多层结构的基础上,根据分布式集群环境物理拓扑结构的特点以及全局通讯优化的需求,本文提出了适合于分布式集群全局通讯优化的HLC拓扑结构模型,并描述了实现该模型的算法。
- A physical topology that contains switching or bridging loops is necessary for reliability, yet a switched network cannot have loops. 实体拓朴内应含有交换器或桥接器的?圈,然而交换网路却不能含有?圈。这会造成一个左右为难的状况。
- Based on the analysis of the existing algorithm of MAC address forwarding table,it presents a kind of new physical topology discovery algorithm depended on spanning tree protocol. 在分析原有基于MAC地址转发表算法的基础上,提出一种新的基于生成树协议的拓扑发现算法。
- Y. Bejerano, Y. Breitbart, M. Garofalakis, and R. Rastogi, Physical Topology Discovery for Large Multi-Subnet Networks [J] , July 2002, Bell Labs Tech. Memorandum. 郑海;张国清.;物理网络拓扑发现算法的研究[J];计算机研究与发展;2002;39(3)
- Y. Bejerano, Y. Breitbart, M. Garofalakis, and R. Rastogi, “Physical Topology Discovery for Large Multi-Subnet Networks”, July 2002, Bell Labs Tech. Memorandum. 郑海,张国清,“物理网络拓扑发现算法的研究”,计算机研究与发展,2002年3月,第39卷3期。
- Based on shortage of recent physical topology discovery algorithm,this paper proposes a Width-First Search topology discovery algorithm based on STP and tests it. 在分析当前物理拓扑算法不足的前提下,提出了一种基于生成树协议广度优先遍历的拓扑发现算法并进行了算法仿真。
- Based on the above theorems,a new top-down algorithm for physical topology discovery is proposed,which can construct the whole topology utilizing the AFTs. 基于上述定理,提出了一个新的自顶向下的拓扑发现算法,该算法能够利用地址转发表构造出整个网络拓扑结构。
- Based on the above theorems, a new algorithm for physical topology discovery is proposed, which can construct the whole topology utilizing the incomplete AFTs (address forwarding tables). 基于上述定理,提出了一个新的拓扑发现算法,该算法能够利用不完整的地址转发表构造出整个网络拓扑结构。
- Research of Subnet Physical Topology Discovery 子网物理拓扑发现算法
- The acoustics is a branch of physical. 声学是物理学的一个分支。
- Research on Physical Topology Discovery and System Implementation 物理网络拓扑发现算法的研究和系统实现
- heuristic topology probe 启发式拓扑探测
- Physical disability causes mental anguish. 生理伤残会引起心理苦闷。
- Method for Finding the Physical Topology of Ethernet 以太网物理拓扑的发现方法
- topology probe 拓扑探测
- His problem is mental, not physical. 他的问题是心理的而不是身体的。