- Bohr Locked away with an imaginary phial of cyanide. 波尔它和一小瓶氯化物被封闭在密室中。
- He left the room, and returned in five minutes with a phial. 他离开房间,不到五分钟,拿着一只小药瓶回来。
- She saw a woman in a white dressing-gown pouring a liquor from a phial into her glass. 她看见一个穿白睡衣的女人把一只瓶子里的液体倒入杯子里。
- Monte Cristo approached, and dropped on his purple lips three or four drops of the contents of the phial. 基督山走过去,把小瓶里的药水滴了三四滴到他那发紫的嘴唇上。
- And raising the foot of the bed, he drew out the phial, still a third filled with the red liquor. 于是他拆开床脚,取出了那只瓶子,瓶子里还有一点红色药水。
- I ran to the cupboard, and sure enough, found there a blue phial of medicine, with the dose written on it on a paper. 我奔到橱子那儿,真的,我在那里面找到一蓝色的药瓶,瓶上贴着的一张纸说明了服法。
- His tongue is black, like Philibert's. The killer seems more comfortable with a phial than with a dagger. 他的舌头呈现黑色,和菲利布特一样。相比匕首,凶手似乎更喜欢使用小药瓶。
- His tongue is black, like Philibert's. The killer seems more comfortable with a phial than with dagger. 他的舌头呈现黑色,和菲利布特一样。相比匕首,凶手似乎更喜欢使用小药瓶。
- She paced up and down the room until she stepped on a loose tile, which she raised and discovered a phial of ointment. 公主把瓶里的药膏抹在王子的伤口上,她刚把涂着药膏的手指放到伤口上,伤口马上就愈合了。
- It protects a sealed glass phial containing seawater collected on the calmest of days when the water was leaden. 它保护著一只密封的小玻璃瓶,瓶中是在最平静的日子、海面风平浪静时所收集的海水。
- Buy us a phial of disclosing agent. It should be profitable to paint teeth before brushing them. 如果可以,不妨买罐小瓶的牙菌斑回家,刷牙前涂一下,那就更好了。
- Poison again, and yet I didn't find a phial nearby to support the thesis of a suicide. 又是毒药,可我并没在现场找到能支持自杀论的药瓶。
- Poison again, and yet I didn't find a phial nearby to support the thesis of suicide. 又是毒药,可我并没在现场找到能支持自杀论的药瓶。
- The Minister of Health of that nation then ordered that each phial be opened for inspection, thereby destroying the whole shipment. 其后该国卫生部长下令每一小瓶(青霉素)都要打开检查,从而毁了整批药品。
- The Minister of Health of that nation then ordered that each phial be opened for inspection, thereby destroying the whole shipment. 后来该国卫生部长下令每一个小瓶都要打开检查,以致毁了整批药品。
- The Minister of Health of that nation then ordered (链接)that each phial be opened for inspection, thereby destroying the whole shipment. 其后该国卫生部长下令每一小瓶(青霉素)都要打开检查,从而毁了整批药品。
- Cold and hard it seemed as his grip closed on it: the phial of Galadriel, so long treasured, and almost forgotten till that hour. 在他的手中,那东西感觉起来又冷又硬,那是凯兰崔尔女王赐给他的小玻璃管,这段时间以来一直被视若珍宝的藏在胸前,直到此刻才被想起。
- A woman kisses a phial of what local Roman Catholics believe is the blood of Saint Gennaro at the Duomo in Naples in this December 16, 2006 file photo. 一个女人亲吻了什么地方的罗马天主教徒药瓶认为这是在血液在那不勒斯大教堂的圣热内罗在这06年12月16日文件的照片。
- "In the floor of his room is a loose tile.All one need to do is lift the tile, and there underneath is a phial containing an ointment that would heal everyone of his wounds. “在他的房间里,有一块活动的地砖,打开这块砖,就能找到一个细颈瓶,瓶里有一种药膏,可以愈合他所有的伤口。”
- In his great need he drew out once more the phial of Galadriel, but it was pale and cold in his trembling hand and threw no light into that stifling dark. 他来到了索伦国度的核心,这是在他全盛时期所使用的熔炉,也是他力量最强大的地方,在这里,一切其他的力量都必须低头退让。