- in phase cross correlation 同相交叉相关
- Because the cross correlation between auxiliary sequence and spread sequence is linear, some search algorism can be used to estimate the phase of incoming signal quickly without increasing the complexity of system. 因为辅助序列与扩频序列的相关函数近似满足线性单调性,可以利用快速搜索算法,如:二分法,对接收信号中扩频序列的相位进行快速搜索,在保证系统复杂度不变的前提下,降低序列捕获的时间。
- Compute the cross correlation coefficient [17] between ECG signal and selected wavelet filter. 请问大侠,怎么求给定信号与小波滤波器之间的互相关系数?
- Comparisons with spectral angle mapping (SAM) and cross correlation spectral match (CCSM) are also done. 实验证明,该方法比传统的光谱角制图法和交叉相关系数法的分类精度有较大提高。
- Fluctuating lift forces are measured for staggered tube bank under two phase cross flow by a strain gauge. 采用电阻应变仪和脉动升力测量装置;在气液两相流横向冲刷三排错列排列的管束时;对其受到的脉动升力做了试验研究.
- Firstly, cross correlation technique is used to transform multiples into pseudo-primaries. 首先通过互相关技术将多次波转化成准一次波;
- Method A "cross correlation" method was put forward and applied to TEOAE signal and TEOAE with or without the CAS. 方法提出了采用互相关法定量计算有无对侧刺激声作用下瞬态诱发耳声发射信号相位差的方法。
- The cross correlation of pixels between two frames regarding background interframe continuity and foreground discontinuity is also computed. 同时,基于背景的帧间连续性和前景的不连续性,计算像素帧间的互相关系数。
- The properties of auto correlation, cross correlation, code word amount, and the difficulty of encoder/decoder of each address code are studied. 对各种地址码的自相关特性、互相关特性、码字数量及相应编码/解码器的实现难度进行了研究
- Secondly, the cross correlation of pixels in neighborhood of each foreground object patch is calculated by spatial homogeneity. 其次,基于前景目标局部邻域空间的一致性假设,计算该邻域内像素间的互相关系数;
- A new type of conductance cross correlation flowmeter based ontwo conductance sensors has been designed to measure the velocity of oil/water two-phase flow in a borehole. 本文提出了一种新型的电导相关流量计,其敏感元件采用两个电导传感器,该流量计能够应用于高含水油井的油水两相流流量测量。
- The cross correlation is a good method that can increase the PIV's accuracy, so the frame straddling technique is favorite to be developed for PIV measurement. 得出了互相关法是提高粒子图像测速技术精度的有效方法的结论,因此跨帧技术是PIV技术的发展方向。
- The cross correlating run should be started in next one or two years. 今后一、两年将会同步运行。
- The popular TDE algorithms mainly include the classical generalized cross correlation(GCC),the adaptive least mean square(LMS),the subspace based eigenvalue decomposition(EVD)and the acoustic transfer functions ratio(ATF-s ratio) methods,etc. 现有的TDE算法主要包括经典的广义互相关(GCC)方法、自适应最小均方(LMS)方法、基于子空间的特征值分解(EVD)方法和基于传递函数比(ATF-s ratio)的方法等。
- The cross correlation analysis techniques on time domain to analysis the stimulated light curves of uniform and non uniform corona model and compares the stimulated results with the temporal property of Cygnus X 1 are employed. 利用时间域上的交叉相关分析技术对模型的模拟光变曲线进行时间分析 ;并与 Cyg X-1的观测分析结果进行比较 .
- Focused on the application of the generalized cross correlation (GCC) time delay estimation (TDE) in the car microphone array denoising system, GCC TDE algorithm is analyzed theoretically and compared with High Rank Cumulation TDE. 摘要针对汽车环境中麦克风阵列语音去噪系统的应用,对广义相关时延估计方法进行了仿真,并与基于高阶累积量的时延估计方法作了比较分析。
- This paper presents a method, which uses the vortex sensor for gathering location signals of the narrow groove. In terms of the symmetrical characteristic of the edge of the signal, the paper adopts "reverse sequence cross correlation" method,i. e. 文中采用了电涡流传感器来采集窄槽的位置信号 ,利用信号边沿部分对称的特点 ,采用了“倒序列相关”的方法 ,即用倒序信号与原信号进行互相关分析 ,充分利用了信号的全过程 ,滤除了信号中的随机成分 ,精确地求得窄槽的中心位置。
- The two algorithms, absolute difference and cross correlation are compared in theory and in computing time based on the fact that the lunar surface is low contrast and extended source. 接着,针对月面为低对比度扩展光源这一特点,在理论上讨论了实时分离大气倾斜量的互相关函数法和绝对差分算法的算法原理和运算量的比较。
- Movement compensation is the key technique in synthetic aperture sonar(SAS) imaging,and it is normally realized in SAS system by the cross correlation of the raw echo data of multiple-receiver. 运动补偿是合成孔径声纳(SAS)成像的关键问题,SAS系统一般利用多接收元回波信号的互相关特性进行运动补偿。
- The child is going through a difficult phase. 那孩子正经历困难的阶段。