- The roads are full of traffic at peak hour. 在高峰时刻路上满是车辆。
- The roads are full of traffic at peak hours. 在上下班高峰时期路上很堵。
- peak hour of traffic 交通的高峰时间
- The accident occurred on Paramatta road during Peak hour traffic, which creates a lot of traffic around the scenes of the accident. 这宗意外发生在(P),正当繁忙时间,意外现场导致交通非常挤塞。
- Just with one click you can cancel pictures download and disable GIF images animation while visiting slow Web sites or during peak hours of Internet traffic. 只要点击一次,您可以取消图片下载和禁用GIF图像动画访问缓慢网站或在繁忙时间的互联网流量。
- Traffic is very heavy at peak hours. 在高峰时间交通非常拥挤。
- The noise of traffic grows louder and louder. 交通的噪音变得愈来愈大。
- Chefs may be required to work shifts, including weekends and public holidays. The work may be stressful, especially at peak hours of the day. 厨师可能被要求轮班工作,包括周末和公共假日工作。工作可能有压力,尤其是在一天中最繁忙的时间段。
- His nerves were frayed by the noise of traffic. 他被交通噪音弄得神经紧张。
- You'll find me here at any hour of the day. 你可以看到我整天任何时候都在这。
- The clamor of traffic gave me a headache. 交通噪音让我头痛。
- There was a lot of traffic on the roads. 这些道路上车辆行人很多。
- The two sets of traffic lights were out of phase. 那两组交通灯不同步。
- I wouldn't think of disturbing them at this hour of the night. 我不能想象这样深更半夜去打扰他们。
- A road bridge has to carry a lot of traffic. 高架路得承载很多车辆。
- He drove through streets empty of traffic. 他驱车驶过没有行人车辆的街道。
- At night these busy streets during the day become empty of traffic. 入夜这些白天繁忙的街道空无行人车辆。
- As peak hour traffic floods into the city, many cars just contain the driver. 当城市的交通高峰期到来时,许多汽车里只有司机。
- Hour of gardening in the sun have quite tired me out. 几小时在太阳底下锄草浇花已使我十分疲劳了。
- Drinking is a principal cause of traffic accidents. 酗酒是交通事故的主要原因。