- He has come across as an elderly, ineffectual party boss with few fresh ideas and little energy. 他被认为是一个上了年龄的,无效的采取了一些新的改革措施但是收效甚微的政党领导人。
- The party boss Li Zhi blamed the riots on groups within the Muslim Uigur and Han Chinese communities. 栗智对穆斯林维吾尔族和汉人社区之间的冲突进行谴责。
- Councillor Paul Rowen, Councillor Jones’ party boss, said: "This is just a storm in a cauldron and has been blown out of proportion. “我全力支持那些努力经营此类活动的人们,我们也已经收到五六封表支持态度的信了。”
- Just hours earlier, Wang Lequan, the Communist Party boss of Xinjiang, the only Muslim majority region in China, said the unrest had been quelled. 数小时后,王乐泉,中国唯一穆斯林多数的地区--新疆的共产党头子,说动乱已经被平息。
- Jiang Guohua, the Communist Party boss of Mianzhu, knelt Sunday to ask parents of earthquake victims to abandon their protest. 死难学生的家长聚集起来向成都行进,要求高层调查学校质量。绵竹书记跪求家长放弃游行。后来来了警察.
- The newcomers think that if old George didn't get the nomination this time he would loyally stand down and make way for a younger man. The party bosses know different. 新来的人认为如果老乔治这次没得到提名,他会老老实实地退出竞选,让位于年轻些的假选人。党派的头头们却不这样看。
- I am not willing to accept the dictates of the party bosses. 我不甘心接受这些党阀的调遣。
- Power is concentrated in the hands of a few party bosses. 权利集中在一小撮党魁手中。
- The anticorruption sweep has already resulted in the detention of Chen Liangyu, the powerful party boss of Shanghai, as well as senior officials in Beijing, Tianjin, Fujian, Hunan and other places. 这场反腐运动已使最有势力的上海帮“帮主”陈良宇以及北京、天津、福建、湖南和其他地方的高级官员被拘押。
- Moreover, in every sort of selection of officials by election, parties quite naturally give decisive weight not to expert considerations but to the services a follower renders to the party boss. 而且在任何一种采用选举形式的官员选拔之中,各政党首先考虑的自然是追随者对于党首们的贡献而不是他的专业水平。
- The accident put an untimely end to the party. 意外事故使聚会匆匆结束了。
- He has attacked entrenched power: of the LDP's own party bosses, of the bureaucrats, and of the victors of 1945, who imposed pacifism on Japan. 他攻击牢不可破的权力阵营:这包括自民党党鞭的,官僚机构的,1945年强加给日本和平主义的胜利者的。
- That gives party bosses handy powers of patronage, but it is deadly for democracy. 这等于给了党派领袖们便利的“免死金牌”,却给民主“判了死刑”。
- Party bosses can either choose their successors themselves or give the members a say. They cannot do both. 是自己选择继承人,还是给党员发言权?党领导人应该只能二者择其一。
- Party bosses and their secret-police henchmen successfully squirrelled money abroad, using it to buy assets cheaply in the chaotic years of the 1990s. 共产党官员和他们心腹的秘密警察都成功地把钱存到国外,用来在1990年代混乱的年份里购买便宜的商品。
- Mr Wang at the Black Dragon is not a party member, but in other villages in the region temple chiefs double up as village party bosses. 在黑龙潭的王先生虽不是党员,但在其他村庄,宗教神祠的首领兼着村中党委书记双重职务。
- The hard core in the party make all the decisions. 这个党的核心成员决定一切。
- He is an interested party and can not serve on the jury. 他是与案件有关的当事人,不能做陪审团的成员。
- Sure, his dad is a lush, but he's always the life of the party. 没错,他父亲是个酒鬼,但他永远是宴会的灵魂人物。
- He had a calling to join the party. 他被邀请参加聚会。