- partial productivity indices 局部生产率指数
- In order to perform SWP on the proposed scalar MAC, a new SWP partial product array and a novel speed-optimized SWP partial product reduction tree are proposed. 我们提出了一个新的子字平行部份乘积阵列及一个创新的子字平行部份乘积简化树以实现子字组平行化。
- However, by using traditional multiplier, there is data dependency between iterations. To reduce the delay of data dependency, a novel multiplier, named oblong multiplier by its partial product shape is proposed. 用传统的平行四边形乘法器实现大数模幂乘 ;存在两次迭代之间的数据相关问题 .
- In this paper, the conformal transforms and potential function theory are applied to derive productivity, specific productivity index of a horizontal well. 本文是应用保角变换方法和势函数理论推导出底水驱油藏水平井产能公式、比采油指数公式。
- In mass production of sealed lead acid battery, partial products fail because of serious open circuit voltage (OCV)loss during storage. 在某型号密封铅酸蓄电池的批量生产中,出现贮存期间部分电池因开路电压显著下降而失效的现象。
- Prepare production reports and ensure its accuracy, track production indices and take corrective actions as necessary. 准备生产报告,确保其准确性,跟踪生产指数,并采取必要纠正措施。
- This study uses three different measures of performance-return on assets, economic productivity index, and price-cost margin-to investigate the relationships among organizational demography, employee turnover, and performance. 为了进一步了解这类问题,本研究采用资产报酬率、经济生产力与价格-成本边际此三个衡量绩效的指标,对台湾企业的人口结构、人口流动与组织绩效三者间的关系,做一个探索性的研究。
- The data of this study are analysed by using Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) and Malmquist Productivity Index(MPI) in order to find out the management efficiency and the inter-temporal change. MPI),分别求算个别银行之经营效率值与跨期成长率,来探讨加入金控体系之银行是否真的优于未加入金控体系之银行。
- A redesigned product index is linked directly to inch and metric products on the QBC eStore. 重新设计产品指数直接挂钩英寸和度量产品的QBC eStore 。
- When the manufacturer with Malmquist productivity index <1, it must review it s management in decision making, in order to promote its productivity, and then develop for the future potential. 本研究实证结果,对于相对无效率的厂商,应检视其各项资源是否有过度投入的现象,建议应减少资源之投入,以达到最适生产规模。
- For the partial products generation, the novel method of Booth encoding combined with partial products generating is put up, which can directly map the multiplicand and multiplicator to partition products without generating the BOOTH encoding results. 对于BOOTH编码和部分积产生,提出了直接建立被乘数与部分积的多路选择映射关系的BOOTH编码和部分积联合产生方法;
- In this design, the use of modified Booth algorithm, circuit to deal with signed/unsigned operands, sign extension and special module to add partial products result in a faster multiplier , with a delay equivalent to 6 NOT-OR gate. 由于乘法器的设计中采用了修正的布斯 (booth)算法、符号数 无符号数处理机制、符号扩展处理电路以及特殊的部分积累加模块 ,所以乘法器的速度得到很大的提高 ,仅仅相当于 6个或非门的延迟
- Product index funds and passive investment tracking the characteristics of the subject index to make it at any time must maintain at least 90% of the stock positions, and with the subject index "共进退. 而指数基金产品被动投资跟踪标的指数的特性,使其无论在什么时候都必须保持至少90%25以上的股票仓位,并且与标的指数“共进退”。
- The research project was only a partial success. 那个研究课题只取得部分成功。
- The experiments revealed that with the experimental defined process flowsheet and technical conditions,ideal production index were obtained. 实践表明,采用试验确定的工艺流程和条件,可获得较为理想的技术指标。
- Liu J P,Zhang X Q,Chen Y X.Study on production index of genet for wild gompressed limpograss[J].Journal of Plant Genetic Resources,2004,(4):338-341. [2]刘金平;张新全;陈永霞.;无性繁殖扁穗牛鞭草基株分蘖形成与生长特点[J]
- How to make the plan to blow up after overhaul and fast reach the production index in No. 4(918 m~3) blast furnace of Han Steel are introduced,good economic profit got. 对邯钢4号高炉(918 m3)大修后开炉方案的制定和开炉后快速达产的生产实践进行了分析,本次对4号高炉大修取得了良好的经济效益。
- She is partial to her youngest boy. 她偏爱她的小儿子。
- The film was only a partial success. 这部电影仅仅是部分成功。
- By analysing the flow sheet of producing low/simplex carbon ferrochrome with silicothermic method,we find out the main factors and mechanism which affect production index. 分析了电硅热法生产低微碳铬铁的工艺流程,找到了影响生产指标的主要因素及作用机理。