- The result shows that the weightlifters of Chinese Taipei and mainland have different opin ion on nutrition, they have some deviation and hobbies in dietetic habit. 结果表明,海峡两岸举重运动员营养观念不同,饮食习惯带有地区特色,有不良饮食嗜好,训练后补充饮料欠科学。
- He prefixed a paragraph to the book. 他在书前面加上一段引言。
- The paragraph runs on to the next page. 这段文章一直连到下一页。
- I cut out the paragraph in this article. 我删除了这篇文章的一个段落。
- Look at the second paragraph on page fifteen. 请看第十五页的第二段。
- The editor struck out the whole paragraph. 编辑把整段全删掉了。
- I don't understand the meaning of that paragraph. 我不懂那段话的意思。
- Please indent the first line of each paragraph. 请于每段第一行缩格书写。
- Condense this paragraph into a few sentences. 把这段文字简缩成几个句子。
- Did you see the paragraph about the stock market? 你有没有看到有关股票市场的那则短讯?
- You'll find the last paragraph extremely apropos. 你会觉得最后一段文字极为中肯。
- This point has been dealt with in the preceding paragraph. 这一点在前面一段里已经交代过了。
- I felt my chin drop, my mouth opin in astonishment. 我觉得我的下巴下降,我的惊讶嘴里奥平。
- We sailed from Perth with a cargo of raw ion. 我们装着一船生铁从佩思启航。
- You must indent the first line of a new paragraph. 新起段落的首行你必须缩格书写。
- There's a paragraph on the accident in the local paper. 当地报纸对该事故有一短篇报道。
- The obscene language used in this paragraph made it unquotable. 这段文字中使用的淫乱语言使其不可引用。
- Please make an indent at the beginning of each paragraph. 请在每段开头空格。
- Both of these particles can produce ion pairs. 这两种粒子都能产生离子对。
- The editor deleted the last paragraph (from the article). 编辑删除了(文章的)最後一段。