- Enforced removal from one's native country. 流放被强迫离开自己的国家
- He regained his native country when he was old. 他老的时候重返祖国。
- She yearned to return to her native country. 她企盼回归祖国。
- What's your address in your native country, please? 请问您在本国的住址?
- Kikuyu grass( Pemdsetum dandestinwn) s native in eastern Africa. 东非狼尾草(Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst.;ex Chiov
- One who lives away from one's native country, whether because of expulsion or voluntary absence. 离乡者被驱逐或因为自愿而居住在自己的祖国之外。
- The thought that one day he might return to his native country has never deserted him. 有朝一日重返故土的念头始终在他的头脑中萦绕着。
- Elsa yearns for the day she can return to her native country. 埃尔莎渴望有朝一日能回到自己的祖国。
- Economic refugees left their native country in the hope of finding a better life. 经济难民离乡背井,希望生活有所改善。
- When she was abroad,she sighed for her native country. 她在国外时十分怀念祖国。
- She was pining for the mountains of her native country. 她对祖国的青山思念不已。
- Madame Curie named it polonium in honour of her native country. 居里夫人将它命名为钋,以纪念她的祖国。
- His longing to see his native country became stronger. 他想看看祖国的渴望变得更强烈。
- Androgyny as a thought which came of matriarchy embodied the primitive people’s native consciousness of equal gender. “双性同体”这一源于母系社会时期的思想,体现了远古人类朴素的性别平等意识。
- When she was abroad, she sighed for her native country. 她在国外时十分怀念祖国。
- One ironic tragedy of all of this was that, up until 1973, Dr.Bethune had never received much recognition from his native country of Canada. 与此相反,具有讽刺意味的是,直到1973年,白求恩大夫还没有在他的祖国加拿大得到应有的承认。
- Often see public opinion refuting foreign festival And prevailing when at home, assault China\'s native traditional culture. 在国内的时候常常见到舆论批驳洋节盛行,冲击了中国本土传统文化。
- The interpreter takes incoming Java code and transforms much of it into the CPU's native code, saving the JVM the trouble. 这是我在今天翻译的一篇稿子当中的一个句子,用法与你所贴的句子一样。
- In the mid 1970?s, a young girl?s family must endure a nightmarish life in her native country of Cambodia under the domination of the brutal Khmer Rouge regime. 根据真人真事改编而成的电视电影,描写高棉难民叶太太带着六个小孩移民美国的遭遇。
- Some of them must have been carried back again into their native country. 其中必有回到它们的原产地的。