- British Old Age Pension System and It's Enlightenment 英国国家养老金制度及其启示
- The financial status of single parent families is only next to the unemployed and those living on old age pension. 单亲家庭的窘困状况仅次于失业者和考养老金过活的人。
- In 1898 a law was passed which meant that all people above a certain age were paid a weekly"old age pension". 1898年,通过了一项法律,规定一定年龄以上的人都按周付给“养老金”。
- The government said they would try to ensure that old age pension kept up with the ever- increasing cost of living. 政府说,他们一定设法让养老金赶上生活费用的增长。
- Old age pensioner is admitted at half price. 享受养老金的老年人可购半价票入场。
- Old age pensioner is admitted at half price . 领取养老金老人可享受半价。
- Old age pensioners are admitted at half price. 享受养老金的老年人可购半价票入场。
- After retirement public procurators shall enjoy the insurance of old age pension and other benefits as prescribed by the State. 第四十四条检察官退休后,享受国家规定的养老保险金和其他待遇。
- The plight of the old–age pensioners has become a political football in the run up to the election. 老年养老金领取者的困境已经成了竞选中连续地被踢来踢去的政治皮球。
- the regulations for the old age pension 年金改革
- The greengrocer always knocked a little off the price of this fruit for the old age pensioners. 水果店向享受养老金的老年人出售水果叶总是稍便宜一些。
- Old age pensions have been replaced by flat superannuation, with inequalities for long-term care. 之前的养老金由单一的退休金代替,这对于长期照顾来说,很是不公平。
- The city administration in the Indian capital New Delhi has been paying old age pensions to around 10,000 people who are dead, a report said. 印度首都新德里的市政府一直给付老人年金给大约1万名往生者,一篇报导指出。
- In 1973,social insurance payments by governments,mainly to old age pensioners and people who had lost their jobs or were off work through illness,amounted to $86,000 million. 一九七三年,主要发给老年退休人员、失业人员或因病离职者的政府社会保险金额达八百六十亿美元;
- Research on the Issue of Hidden Debt in China's Old Age Pension 我国社会养老保险金的隐性债务问题研究
- The new staff members can not be grandfathered into the old pension system. 新员工不能享受旧有的养老制度。
- In 1973, social insurance payments by governments, mainly to old age pensioners and people who had lost their jobs or were off work through illness, amounted to $86,000 million. 一九七三年,主要发给老年退休人员、失业人员或因病离职者的政府社会保险金额达八百六十亿美元;
- Her widowhood condemns her to a lonely old age. 守寡使她不得不过着孤独的晚年生活。
- With31 provinces, the pension system is a maze of disparate rules. 现在的31个省,退休金体系千差万别。
- Economic Effects of Pension System Transition: China as a Case. 养老保险制度变迁的经济效应:以中国为例。