- Thus, any discount in the issuance price becomes an "extra cost"in the overall borrowing transaction. 因此,发行价格的任何折价都成为全部筹资业务的"额外成本"。
- Thus, any discount in the issuance price becomes an "extra cost" in the overall borrowing transaction. 因此,发行价格的任何折价都成为全部筹资业务的"额外成本"。
- He has ever so much money lying by. Borrow some. 他有很多钱放着不用。向他借点吧。
- She'll let you borrow the car if you twist her arm. 你要是硬要她把汽车借给你,她就借给你。
- This transaction is nothing less than a miracle. 这笔交易完全是一个奇迹。
- They charge a fixed rate for each transaction. 他们对办理的每项业务收取一定的费用。
- He be50 pound out of pocket by the transaction. 他在那次交易中赔了五十英镑。
- He uses his house as security to borrow the money. 他用房子作借钱的抵押。
- A ship that ran aground; a ship aground offshore. 搁浅的轮船; 在岸边搁浅的轮船
- He makes it a rule never to borrow money. 他无论如何也不向别人借钱。
- A preliminary draft or record of a transaction. 条约草案合约的预备性的草案或纪录
- He was 50 pounds out of pocket by the transaction. 他在那次交易中赔了五十英镑。
- He had the crust to ask to borrow my new car! 他竟有脸借我的新车!
- There was no middleman in this transaction. 这笔交易没有中间人。
- offshore borrowing 海外借款
- May I borrow your roller skates? 我可以借你的旱冰鞋吗?
- The transaction between them was dismissed. 他们之间的交易告吹了。
- A small boat used to peddle provisions to ships anchored offshore. 小卖艇向在岸边抛锚的船只兜售货物的小船
- Borrowing tapes from the library would be the next-best thing. 从资料库借磁带是退而求其次的办法。
- The paper publish a daily list of stock exchange transaction. 该报纸发布证券交易所每日股票买卖的一览表。