- (会计用语)未赚得的进帐(通常被看作是公司资产负债表上当前的债务)。 (accounting) income received but not yet earned (usually considered a current liability on a company's balance sheet).
- 会计 accounting
- 用语 syntax
- offset (会计用语) 冲抵
- 习惯用语 idiom
- 财务会计 financial accounting
- offset曲线 offset curve
- 成本会计 cost accounting
- “Offset”命令 "offset" command
- 法律用语 law term
- 会计年度 fiscal year
- triple offset (交通) 三级起步时差
- 会计电算化 accounting computerization
- offset punt(玻璃制品缺陷) 瓶底歪斜
- 会计事务所 accounting firm
- 常用语 common-use words
- offset seam(玻璃制品缺陷) 模缝线偏移
- 管理会计 administrative accounting
- offset与count的和大于缓冲区长度。 The sum of offset and count is larger than the buffer length.
- 会计的 fiscal