- The obstinate old man refused to go to hospital. 那个顽固老头就是不肯进医院。
- This child is obstinate and rebellious. 这个孩子倔强,难以管束。
- These weeds are really very obstinate. 这些草实在难以除尽。
- The cowboy broke the unruly horse. 牛仔制服了这匹烈马。
- The old man is always blind obstinate. 那个老汉总是盲目地固执。
- The headteacher was wrathful with the children's unruly behavior. 校长被那些不守规矩的小学生惹得发怒。
- Resisting treatment or control; unruly. 难治的难以治疗或控制的; 难控制的
- Inclined to make trouble; unruly. 难驾驭的容易挑拨是非的; 不听指挥的
- She patted down one or two unruly wisps of hair. 她理平了一两缕竖起来的头发。
- Only a man full of the milk of human kindness could have continued to befriend the proud and obstinate young man. 只有天性善良的人才会和这个性情高傲脾气倔强的年轻人继续交往。
- Big Dragon and Da Nian They are double-heroes in culture of Han Nation. They are the equable obstinate and unruly, equable intrepid, and mystery. 汉民族文化中的并峙双雄。一样的桀骜不驯,一样的强悍,一样的神秘。
- An unruly child who was thrashed with a birch cane. 一个任性的孩子吃了一顿桦树棍
- It rubs to work under such an obstinate man. 在这种蛮不讲理的人手下工作真令人恼火。
- I got the unruly native treatment. 我受到了当地毫无道理的亏待。
- She used to be as obstinate as a mule. 她原先十分固执。
- She patted down unruly wisps of hair. 她用手把翘起的头发轻轻拍平。
- Hard to guide or control;unruly. 失控的难以引导或控制的;难于管教的
- The obstinate child refused to answer. 这固执的孩子拒绝回答。
- The old man was in bed with an obstinate disease. 这老人因痼疾已卧床很久了。
- He can be very obstinate when he wants to be! 他的犟劲儿一上来,简直执拗得要命!