- obligate aerobia 专性好气菌
- Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites. 病毒是专性的细胞内寄生物。
- An obligate parasite;an obligate anaerobe. 专性寄生虫;专性厌氧生物
- To obligate(oneself)beyond a limit, especially a financial one. 使承担过多的义务使(自己)承担过多的,尤指财政的责任
- To obligate(oneself)beyond a limit,especially a financial one. 使承担过多的义务使(自己)承担过多的,尤指财政的责任
- To obligate(oneself) beyond a limit, especially a financial one. 使承担过多的义务使(自己)承担过多的,尤指财政的责任
- The nature of the nutritional requirements for obligate parasites in nature is unknown. 人们还不知道自然界中专性寄生菌的营养要求的本质。
- Results The rates of bacteria detection and positive rates from infected root canals were high.Anaerobia and aerobia were sensitive to different kinds of antibiotics. 结果感染根管的细菌检出率、阳性率均很高,厌氧菌、需氧菌对各种抗菌药物敏感。
- Being in this section does not obligate you to use a micro-controller in your 2.007 machine. 学习这部分课程并不意味你必须在你的2.;007课程作业中使用微控制器。
- Rural obligate education drop behind, and becomes the bottleneck of Chinese compulsory universal education's goal. 农村义务教育的落后,成了中国普及义务教育的瓶颈。
- All the photosynthetic bacteria possess the capability in addition to various facultative aerobes and obligate anaerobes. 所有光合细菌加上各种兼性的好氧生物和绝对的厌氧生物具有这种能力。
- The path of compassion does not obligate you to love everyone regardless of how they act or who they are. 爱心之路并没有责成你去爱每一个人而不管他们怎么做或他们是谁。
- Is an especially important one: It permits a licensee to grant licenses, but does not obligate a licensee to do so. 这个短语尤其重要:它允许被许可方进行许可,但是并不要求被许可方非得这么做。
- Obligate wants to give board expense and the basiccest life above all after sending salary every months required spending. 每月发工资后首先要预留出伙食费和最基本的生活必需开支。
- Ac and Suc were observed in 2 of 9 patients in which pus culture were positive for obligate aerobes. 另有2例脓液培养见厌氧菌生长的脓肿的波谱图中可见乙酸(Ac)峰和琥珀酸(Suc)峰。
- Microsporidia are obligate intracellular parastic protozoa, and have a relative long evolution history. 微孢子虫作为一类专营细胞内寄生的低等的原生动物,有着比较悠久的进化历史。
- I would not obligate society to treat me a certain way, I never thought this way. 我不去强求社会应该对我怎样,我从来没想过。
- Like installing such water heater to need to resemble installing air conditioning obligate passageway. 安装这样的热水器需要像装空调一样预留通道。
- Because kitchen area is not large, before decorating, had better come down the product surely with obligate position. 由于厨房面积不大,装修前最好就将产品定下来以预留位置。
- DTT and the member firms are separate and distinct legal entities, which cannot obligate the other entities. 德勤全球及其每一个成员所乃独立及独特的法律实体,相互之间不因对方而承担任何责任。