- The result indicates that through the construction and normal operation periods of Gezhouba Project the downstream river bed has reached a relative equilibrium state now. 认为近坝段经过葛洲坝施工期及正常运行期,河床已处于相对平衡。
- normal operating period 正常工作时间
- The operating period exceeded the regular maintenance limit. 使用时间超过常规维修保养期限。
- The normal operating pressure value can also be achieved in summer. 正常工作压力值在夏季也能达到。
- Determine that the yield is within the normal operating range. 确定收率是限定在通常的操作范围之内。
- Methods should be applied under normal operating condition. 以上方法应在常规操作条件下使用。
- The voltages set up are of normal operating frequency. 由此引起的过电压频率通常为正常的工作频率。
- Every normal operator is trivially subnormal. 每一个正规算子显而易见地是次正规的。
- Debts which must be satisfied from current a ets within the next operating period, usually one year. 在下一个经营期间,通常是一年内必须用流动资产偿还的债务。
- Scientific and normal operation procedure. 科学规范作业程序。
- A: About 2% in normal operations. 正常情况下为2%25左右。
- The operation period of the sole investment enterprise is years. 独资企业经营年限为年。
- At normal operating voltage, the TVS diode is inactive, like an open circuit. 雪崩崩溃二极管是以反向电流的方式,连接在线路上。
- ISD manned a central enquiries desk on an around the clock basis throughout the PBC's operating period and handled some 9 000 enquiries. 在新闻及广播中心运作期间,政府新闻处在该中心设有一个询问处,全日24小时不停服务,处理超过9000宗查询。
- NN.N -tension value during normal operation. 在正常的运算期间的张力数值。
- Maintain the store normal operation order. 维持店内的正常营业秩序.
- Article thirty eight: The Company's operating period is 20 years, since the date of business license issuing. 第三十八条:公司经营期限自营业执照核发之日起为期20年。
- Article three: The operating period of the Company is 20 years, starting from the issuing date of the Business License. 第三条:公司的经营期限为20年,经营期限始于公司营业执照核发之日。
- In-service unplanned derated (IUD) events frequently occur during the operating period of large generating units. 大型发电机组在运行过程中存在大量的强迫降出力(IUD)事件。
- Every item shall include a standard complement of accessories and special tools to ensure the normal operation. 为保证设备的正常运转,每个品目都应包括一套标准定额的附件和专用工具。