- Subharmonic Resonance of Nonlinear Forced Vibration Systems 非线性受迫振动系统的次谐共振解
- Nonlinear Forced Vibration of Sinusoidal Corrugated Shallow Spherical Shell 正弦波纹扁球壳的非线性强迫振动
- nonlinear forced vibration 非线性强迫振动
- As a numerical example, nonlinear free and forced vibration phenomena of shallow spherical shells with sinusoidal corrugation are studied. 作为算例,研究了正弦波纹扁球壳的非线性自由和受迫振动现象。
- This essary quantitative analyse energy in damped vibration and steady forced vibration each other time. 定量分析了阻尼振动、稳态受迫振动的能量随时间变化的关系。
- In this paper, the vertical forced vibration of dynamic foundation on viscoelastic layered half space was studied in detail. 本文较深入地研究了层状粘弹性半空间上刚性圆形基础的垂直振动问题。
- Express the differences of displacement variation of a mass subjected by a free damped vibration and a forced vibration, separately. 分别叙述一质量受到无阻尼的振动与强制振动时位移变化的不同。
- The forced vibration problems of a turboshaft engine, which is mounted directly on the main gear box, were investigated. 摘要涡轴发动机的一种常见的安装方式是其主安装节直接与主减速器相连,对这种安装形式下涡轴发动机的受迫振动问题进行了研究。
- A method of separating variables to analyse problems of forced vibration of rigid/viscoplastic eircular plates is suggested. 本文用分离变量方法分析刚/粘塑性圆板的强迫振动问题,给出了该板强迫振动时的挠度与内力解。
- Small amplitude forced vibration tests (FVT) for a field large-scale soil-box foundation-structure interaction system were designed and carried out. 摘要设计并完成了野外大比例(1:2)土-箱形基础-框架结构相互作用系统顶部小幅激振试验。
- This article introducedes that a magnetic pendulum and a simple pendulum make a non-complete forced vibration system.It can be used to study nonresonant natural vibration. 用一永久磁铁构成的摆和一单摆一起组成一非完全强迫振动系统,它可用来观察、研究物体的非共振固有振动现象。
- The former causes forced vibration at the circular frequency of the crank shaft and the latter causes transient vibration at the natural frequency of the press. 惯性力激发的振动是以曲轴转速为频率的强迫振动,加工力激发的是以压机固有频率为频率的过渡振动。
- In the regenerative liquid propellant gun,the coupling oscillation of the fluid sys-tem in the reservoir including free vibration and forced vibration may be formed. 在再生式液体发射药火炮中,贮液室流体系统可能发生由自激振动与强迫振动构成的耦合振荡,在喷射结束期很可能形成共振。
- The main work are including: 1) Building the universal model for torsional vibration of ship propulsion shafting, and researching the common methods for free and forced vibration. 本文以船舶推进轴系为研究对象,查阅了国内大量研究资料,对轴系扭振的机理、计算方法以及一些关键问题进行了研究,其主要的工作包括: (1) 建立了通用的船舶推进轴系扭振计算模型,系统研究了扭振自由振动和响应计算方法,利用软件工程的基本方法,开发了基于VB.
- A new kind of physics experimental instrument of forced vibration and resonance is introduced, conducting research of the relationship between vibration period and to arms of prong. 摘要介绍了新型音叉受迫振动与共振实验仪。通过音叉双臂与振动周期关系的研究,可以深入理解振动式液体密度传感器的原理及其应用。
- The infrared + force vibration design, may promote the blood circulation, speeds up the metabolism. 红外+强力振动设计,可促进血液循环,加快新陈代谢。
- Yet the additional information data used in the paper are obtained through calculation rather than direct measuring, which means necessary to solve a forced vibration problem of plate (direct problem) before load identification. 但本文所使用的附加信息数据事实上是通过计算而非测量得到的,因此在载荷反演之前需要解一个板的强迫振动问题(正问题)。
- Parker R.G. and Sathe P.J., “Exact Solution of the Free and Forced Vibration of a Rotating Disk-Spindle System,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 223, No. 3, pp. 445-465 (1999). 苏振文;“含压电制动器与感测器之复合材料叠层板振动之数位控制;”硕士论文;中兴大学机械研究所(1995).
- The receptance method has been widely applied to vibration analysis of combined structures.However, few applications of the receptance method have been seen in forced vibration analysis. 中文摘要接纳法虽已广泛地应用于一般合成结构之自由振动分析,唯复杂、组合结构之强迫振动分析鲜少见于有关此方面之文献。