- neutron irradiation monitor 中子辐照监测器
- The concentration of GLU decreased after small dosage neutron irradiation. 小剂量的中子辐射引起GLU下降;
- Large dosage neutron irradiation can lead to GLU elevated in the blood. 大剂量辐射则致使GLU升高。
- Response of photomultiplier tube to 14 MeV pulse neutron irradiation[J]. 引用该论文 陈亮;欧阳晓平;张忠兵;张国光;张建福;张显鹏.
- The crystal latticeconstant of NTD Si materials raise in common, and the defects on (111) dir-ection increase remarkable after neutron irradiation. 辐照处理后的NTD Si材料,其点阵常数普遍增大,[111]方向的缺陷明显增多。
- Hydrogen related defect states generated in n-FZ Si(H2) single crystal after neutron irradiation have been studied by IR absorption. 对于中子辐照的n-FZSi(H_2),利用红外吸收光谱研究了由于辐照所产生的各种与氢有关的缺陷态。
- It is found in nature only in traces produced by natural neutron irradiation in uranium ores. It is produced artificially by neutron irradiation of uranium-238. 钸广泛用作核反应堆燃料和核子武器装料。原生性的钸仅在铀矿石中有痕量发现,由自然的中子辐射作用产生,造成这种中子辐射的是铀-238。
- Abstract: The photomultiplier tube (PMT) responding to direct neutron irradiation has an extreme effect on the scintillation detector design and its practical applications. 摘 要: 光电倍增管的中子直照响应对脉冲中子探测器的设计和实际应用具有重要影响。
- Using the solution of S process chain with an exponential neutron irradiation the S process abundance distribution of AGB stars of different metallicities is investigated. 利用指数辐照理论的解析解研究了AGB星S过程元素的丰度分布规律。
- The present work is to study effects of neutron irradiation on the structure of amorphous Pd80Si20 and Pd77.5Cu6Si16.5 alloys by using X-ray diffraction techniques, differential scanning calorimertry (DSC) and internal friction measurements. 本工作用X射线衍射技术示差扫描量热法(DSC)和内耗测量等手段研究金属-类金属非晶态合金Pd_(80)Si_(20)和Pd_(77.;5)Cu_6Si_(16
- According to the special shape of the irradiation monitoring pipe, the semicircle-shaped tensile samples are designed. 摘要根据辐照监督管的特定形状,设计了半圆形标???焓匝?
- According to the thermodynamic parameters benchmarked in proton irradiation data, the updated RIS can be extended to evaluate the Cr depletion evolution in neutron irradiated materials. 模拟程式根据目前质子校正的热力学参数,并辅以适当的FMD计算,可以延伸用以评估中子辐射敏化,与文献上中子实验数据比对可合理预测铬乏趋势。
- Design Optimization of Material Irradiation Monitor Device for CARR Core Vessel CARR堆芯容器用辐照监督装置的设计优化
- Simulation on CTE Reduction of CCD Induced by Neutron Irradiation 中子辐照诱导CCD电荷转移效率降低的数值模拟与分析
- The monitor is really a notch above us. 班长确实比我们略胜一筹。
- Energy response of photomultiplier tubes to neutron irradiation 光电倍增管中子直照灵敏度响应
- The intrinsic gettering in neutron irradiation czochralski-silicon 中子辐照直拉硅中的本征吸除效应
- Many students were absent, notably the monitor. 许多学生缺席,特别是连班长也没来。
- Resistivity Change of Neutron Irradiation CZ Si Crystal 中子辐照CZ硅单晶热处理后的电阻率变化
- Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor 主动腔体辐射仪辐射监视仪