- Microbes are too small to be seen by the naked eye. 微生物很小,肉眼看不见。
- Germs are too small to be seen with a naked eye. 细菌太小,用肉眼是看不到的。
- This star is not visible to the naked eye. 这颗星肉眼看不见。
- naked minicomputer 小型裸机
- Some stars are invisible to the naked eye. 有些星体肉眼是看不见的。
- These little boys swim naked in the river. 这些小孩光着身子在河里游泳。
- The trees were naked during autumn. 秋天里树木都是光秃秃的。
- The fallacy has been exposed in its naked absurdity. 这谬论的荒诞性已被充分揭露。
- The system on the small-scale is called a microcomputer or minicomputer. 小规模的系统叫做微型计算机或小型计算机。
- We can't see microscopic creature with naked eyes. 我们不能用肉眼看到微生物。
- The trees were left naked of leaves. 这些树光秃秃的,没有一片叶子。
- Germs are invisible to the naked eye. 细菌用肉眼看不见。
- Bacteria are too small to see with the naked eye. 细菌太小,肉眼看不见。
- He came out of the bathroom stark naked. 他一丝不挂地从浴室走了出来。
- That star is too far away to see with the naked eye. 那颗星太远,用肉眼无法看见。
- The naked facts; naked ambition. 明明白白的事实; 明显的野心
- Like other imperialists, they played naked big-power politics. 和别的帝国主义者一样,他们也玩弄赤裸裸的强权政治。
- A computer larger than a minicomputer that can handle more users and large programs. 一种比小型计算机大,能容纳更多用户和处理较大程序的计算机。
- Craft must have clothes, but truth love to go naked. 欺诈必须伪装,真理不须掩饰。
- A Microscope will reveal much that cannot be seen with the naked eye. 显微镜可以看到许多肉眼看不见的东西。