- multiple sclerotic dementia 多发性硬化性痴呆
- Researching methods and significance of multiple sclerotic cytokines 多发性硬化相关细胞因子的研究方法和意义
- He is the person with multiple injuries. 他就是那个多处受伤的人。
- multiple sclerotic gait [医] 多发性硬化步态
- Friendship multiple joy and divide grieve. 朋友之间,欢乐同享,苦难同当。
- We use the hall for multiple purposes. 这个大厅我们派多种用途。
- Drinking heavily did not affect overall dementia. 过度饮酒对各种痴呆症没有预防作用。
- Secondhand smoke increases risk of dementia. 长期吸二手烟会增加痴呆症患病风险。
- A multiple crash can often be seen on that motorway. 那条公路上的联环撞车事故很多。
- The term includes multi-infarct dementia. 这一术语包含多发脑梗塞性痴呆。
- Belly Fat in Midlife, Dementia Later? 中年腹部肥胖,老年有痴呆症?
- Dementia rarely appears before the age of sixty. 痴呆症很少出现在六十岁前。
- Aging does not ineitably lead to dementia either. 同样,老化也未必一定导致痴呆。
- Drink a Day Helps Keep Dementia Away? 每天小酌一杯可以远离痴呆?
- He diagnosed her with frontotemporal dementia. 他诊断出她患有额颞叶失智症(frontotemporaldementia)。
- For that, Britain's sclerotic planning system is partly to blame. 对于这一点,英国僵化的规划系统多少有些责任。
- A multiple of the basic number of chromosomes in a cell. 倍数性一个细胞中染色体基本数目的倍数
- The tumor cells are arranged in ribbons separated by sclerotic stroma. 肿瘤细胞呈带状排列,并被硬化的间质所分割开。
- You should use dialogues for multiple purposes. 你应使用多种目的的对话。
- Vascular dementia is also referred to as multi-infarct disease, or multiple stroke disease. 血管性痴呆病也叫做多发性脑梗死病,或是多发性脑中风病。