- In the old times, people became wise men or women because of direct communication with God, or through direct teaching from the Most High. 有些古时候的人,因为能够直接跟上帝沟通,或直接获得最高力量的教诲,所以成为智慧通达的人。
- Talking about teaching method, to the students of foreign nationality to learn Chinese, direct teaching method is applied. 谈到教法,对于来学华文的外籍学生,一律采用直接教学法。
- Because the Scholastics believed that revelation was the direct teaching of God, it possessed for them a higher degree of truth and certainty than did natural reason. 因为经院派学者相信启示是上帝的直接教诲,因此比自然的理性具有更高的真理性和确定性。
- HD Series multi directional movement mixer 系列多向运动混合机
- The emotion of teachers is the key element of directing teaching, so the lack of teacher's emotion may lead to lowness of the quality of teaching. 教师的情绪才是主导教学的关键因素,因此教师情绪的缺失就会导致教学质量的底下。
- Exploring Question - direct teaching method 问题向导式教学法探索
- She cast her eyes down to avoid direct eye contact. 她垂下双目以避免对视。
- I'll book you on a direct flight to London. 我将为你预订直飞伦敦的航班。
- He has chosen the most direct route. 他选取了最直的路线。
- She's very direct, believes in speaking her mind. 她为人直率,喜欢有什么说什么。
- Can you direct me to the shoe department? 请告诉我卖鞋部在哪里。
- Be there a direct train for Beijing to Nanning? 从北京到南宁有直达车吗?
- Turn the mode dial to select multi exposure mode. 把模式盘转到多重曝光模式。
- Having no particular directional characteristics. 无定向的具有无特定方向的特征
- See that direct heat does not play on it. 当心别让它直接受热。
- It's a long way by road the train is more direct. 走公路很远--乘火车近。
- Would you please direct me to the zoo? 请问去动物园怎么走?
- My eyes were blinded by the direct rays of light. 在光线的直射下,我看不清楚东西。
- The Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd. 印度大宗商品交易所。
- Her opinions are the direct opposite of mine. 她的意见与我的截然相反。