- Methods In order to avoid prematurity, we kept the diversity of population, that was, some schemas of previous generation compete with schemas of present generation. 方法保持种群的多样性,将上几代个体中的一部分与本代共同参与竞争,提出多代竞争遗传算法,通过理论分析和对数值函数优化证明该算法的有效性。
- True visionaries are often misunderstood by their own generation. 真正有远见卓识的人往往招致同时代人的误解。
- Small shops cannot compete in prices with the big boys. 小店是无法在价格上跟大公司进行竞争的。
- No one could compete with these steel monopolies. 没有人能和这些钢铁垄断企业竞争。
- My handwriting cannot compete with his. 我的书法不及他。
- We can compete with the best teams. 我们能与最好的队竞争。
- There is a generation gap between my parents and I. 我父母和我之间有代沟。
- He is a member of beat generation. 他是个颓废派的成员。
- Companies must be able to compete in the market-place. 公司一定要在商品交易中有竞争力。
- To adapt to the rapid development of medicine and law and the impact of globalization of crime,it is necessary to reinforce the forensic pathology postgraduate general competence. 为了适应医学、法律的发展及全球化犯罪趋势影响,有必要加强对我国法医病理硕士研究生的素质教育。
- My generation behaves differently from my father's. 我们这一代人的所作所为和我父亲的那一代人不同。
- To people of our generation Kennedy was a god. 对我们这一代人来说,肯尼迪是我们崇拜的偶像。
- Companies must be able to compete in the marketplace. 公司一定要在市场中有竞争力。
- They set the fashion for the generation. 他们为这一代树立了一个新风尚。
- They set a fashion for the generation. 他们为这一代树立了一个新风尚。
- Jane feels she can never compete with these snobbish, elegant people. 简·爱感到她永远无法同这些高雅却势利的人们竞争。
- Many old legends were handed down from generation by mouth. 许多古老的传说都是一代一代口传下来了。
- Turn the mode dial to select multi exposure mode. 把模式盘转到多重曝光模式。
- These paintings can't compete in expressive power with those ones. 这些水彩画在表达能力方面比不上那些。
- But it is always the younger generation who will make the future. 但是未来终归要由年青的一代来创造。